...most of the time...

The one thing I can't stand about being Aussie is having others bag me out for dumb shizzle, this is that shizzle-----

1. Well done d-list American comedian, I have an accent.
True story, once when I was young I cried because I guess I was offended at the way some American comedian tried to do an Australian accent. Of corse now I'm not that much of a little twat and I know that it's a joke... But... It's a pretty shit one. Whatever I'm just annoyed I'm not able to form words or sentences.

2.Im not racist
I'm not ok?yes maybe my family is a bitlot... But I'm not.

3."throw another shrimp on the barby"
We don't do that.
We gently place, not throw you uncultured twats it won't get evenly cooked!
And there's that whole thing of I only know one person who likes shrimp...... So I propose we change it to-
"Place another piece of steak on the barby"

4. Tan
I don't think people understand the fact that even through its hot, I will forever be a albino. I don't go outside, therefore I'm not tan.

5. Thongs (Flip-flops for you dirty minded yanks) with socks
No just... Just no.

6. Just because I'm Australian doesn't mean I know all the slang.
I'm a anti social little shit who hates people and the outdoors. I don't know all the fudging slang.

7. I'm not immune to sunburn because I come from a hot country~
I go outside in summer and I'll wake up the next morning looking like the Japan flag if I don't put on sunscreen.

That's all I can think of for now.
I'm gonna go eat - Jasmine

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