Hanging Out

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I'm in the kitchen right now, preparing some breakfast. I'm not alone I'm here with Mama Liz. Luke and Papa Andy are cleansing the house right now. And Arzaylea..

"Good morning" oh here she is. I know it still AM so still morning but doesn't it weird to say your first good morning at 11.45 Pm. You need 15 minutes more to say good afternoon.

"morning Arz" I said

"morning Arzaylea, how's your sleep?" said Mama Liz. Even though it's kinda late but we still have to answer it right. And maybe she just need more sleep, you know she came home last night about hmm.. AM perhaps around hmm.. 2 or 3 I don't know. She might go to club last night. Of course she went. The only place where open at that time. She said she want to meet her old friend who lives in Sydney. But doesn't she think about us who waiting for her at home? Even mom Liz has to woke up even though she's really tired and sleepy just to open the door for her

"Good moring honey, how's your sleep?" it's Luke and the started to make out, oh really?

"Lucas,, seriously in front of me?" said Mama Liz

"you're right aunty, Luke sorry gotta go shower" said Arzaylea with a scary smile that make her really looks like an EVIL WITCH plus her creepy NIKE EYEBROW she really a daughter of witch. I know I just know her but it feels like I Hate Her So Freaking Much. You know I'm kind of person who easy to love someone and easy to hate someone. And I'm hating her right now and I don't know why? Heyy you the author who write this story why you made me really hate Arzaylea without any excuse? Ooh I know, I know my lovely author, you might just tired with Larzaylea drama.. I feel you I feel youuu... but right now I'm just pretend I love her :D and before she go to the bathroom, Luke whispered her something like "catch ya later" and of course plus a wink.


We are in the dining room right now. All of us having our brunch.

"I'm gonna hang out with the other boys mom. Me and Arzay" said Luke

"That's good, you must miss Australia" said Mama

"But don't forget Luke, we have another guess here" said Papa and I have a good feelings

"Yeahh that's true. Luke bring Jesaya also" said Mama Liz

"yeah yeah that's true.. this is the first time I live in Sydney. And I want to know more like where usually the teenager like me hang out and something I also want to know the cool place here" I said really exited

"Mom no! she would be really hard to mix up with my friend! Jesaya don't come with us I promise it would be really awkward and you're gonna hate it!" said Luke

"no no Luke please, I'm the easy going one and really easy to mix up with other. I promise it won't be boring and awkward" I said

"she's right she is really easygoing." Said Mama Liz "Jesaya you're a fam right? Take your chance to meet the boys" said Mama Liz again

"what? Wait.. wait.. you are a fangirl? Aww that's disgusting you should stop" said Arzaylea with a creepy face that make her nike eyebrow moves and that look really make her more creepy

"how could you say that? That's so painful, Arz here, you don't understand what we feel as a fangirl. So don't judge or comment that painful things. You know do not judge a shoes before you wear it. And Luke without fangirl, 5SOSFAM NEVER QUIT, #5sosfam, #BestFanArmy would never be trending on twitter, you should say thanks to me" I said really confident

"don't luke don't say to thanks to her she might just screaming on your ear. And 5sos fam didn't win it, belieber did.. shame" Said Arzaylea

"no I won't screaming. And about that, that was an accident." I said

LA LIFE l.hDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora