WOAAAHHH finally update.. btw ada yg nungguin g? wkwk kalau ada monggo di vote hehe
"Good Morning Sir"
"Good Morning Jesaya, I know it's your Sunday but I want you to come to my house. We're gonna do some rituals for the future of 5sos"
Well this is insane
"Okay, what time?"
"8Pm Don't be late"
"Alright see ya"
I am heading to Adam's house. He said there's gonna be a ritual. I don't know, hope it's not creepy. Well I'm arriving here but it seems like a party. Errh.. what ever I walked toward the door.
"Welcome!! Jesaya" said all of the man in this house. It's Luke, Calum, Michael, Ashton and our boss Adam.
"Well, this is seems like a party but it just 6 of us?" I take a sit.
"Alright! Because everyone have already gather here,, we can start our ritual NOOOWW!!" said Adam with a lil shout.
Everyone start to drink beer, vodka, tequila. Everything serve here. Especially Ashton. He drinks a lot of drink.
"Take this" Said Luke and take a sit next to me. I give him my questioning look because he gives me a big bottle of tequila "Just drink this. But if you're not strong enough just give it to ashton."
"Ashton?" I asked him.
"Just do this" he said
"I thought we're gonna do some ritual. But exactly we just have some drink and party" I said
"You'll see" he said and smirk. Well I just do what Luke just said.
Ashton is drunk right now and he begin to talk
"OOH MY GOOD what happened with my head hahahahhaha..... heyyyy we're in the baaand!!! We have band!!! A HUUUGGEE BAAND"
I don't understand what is he talking about. He just talk random thingy and shouting.
"What the name of our band??? Oh heyyyy little girl owwwww we have a girl in our baaand hahahhahaha" I give him questioning look and stare at each other, they just nod.
"you!! Have to know the future of our band. You know our band "Summer 5th June" is going to be really success! And our album "It feeling so good" is going to be really success and we're going to go to world tooourrr hahahahha" he said staring at me. Ok this is weird. And all the boys just like "Yeahhh!!"
"Hey Ashton.. I think you drunk I'm not in your band" I said to him.
"Really?? So who's the member of my baaanddd???? Hahahahhahahhaha" I rolled my eyes.
"Hey girl!" he stare at me again "prepare yourself! Be careful with the guy here!"
"Yes Ashton especially you" I said. you have to know how creepy Ashton right now
"Noo!! I'm talking about love" he said
"Wahhooooo.... I know it Jesaya! It must be me! I know you like me C'mon who doesn't like me right?" said Michael then smirk.
"WHAT THE HELL MIKE!! He's drunk" I yell at him
"You don't understand! This is the ritual." He said
"Here Jesaya" Adam said "Ashton have an ability to read the future when he's drunk"
"REALLY??" I asked him. I shocked!
"Take care of Ashton Mike! Be careful!" I said. the ritual has done. And Michael has to drive ashton home
"Jesaya" I heard a voice behind me and it's Luke
"Hey Luke" I said
"would you mind if we have dinner?" he said. I'm thinking a little bit
"hmmmm.... Ok I'm hungry though" I said "Cal.. d-"
"No... it just us please" said Luke
"But Luke all of us haven't had dinner tonight. He might be really hungry. We have to ask him" then I walk toward calum who still half sleeping because he also drink much beer.
"Cal you ok?"
He just luke at me and sleep again. His eyes are really red.
"Cal you have to have dinner" he didn't respond. I planned to bring him to the car and have dinner together with Luke. But I can't
"LUUKEEE!! Please help me to bring Calum" I yell and Luke come to help me
We arrive in one of the fast food restaurant. Calum really hard to eat because he's drunk. So I just help him to eat.
"Luke, does 5sos always do this ritual?" I said just to open a conversation.
"Yes, every year exactly, but believe this, Ashton always right" he said
"really?" I said
"Yes.. hmm... are you gonna love one of us?" he asked me
"seriously Luke? You believe this?? Okay I don't believe this thingy... and you all are my friends! Like my good friend. I love you all" I said and he nod
We have finished having dinner.
"You're not with me?" Asked Luke
"No just drive calum home. He need it" I said
"You sure... My house is near here... so good night" I waved my hand.
"Okay good night" he waved me back
I arrive at home after driving calum home because he's drunk and sleepy.
I'm in my bed but I can't fall asleep. Better call Michael
"Hi michael..."
"Now I admit it"
"I Like her...."
As usually pada comment yaa... saya lebih suka di comment apa kek gitu wkwk
tapi kalau pengen vote monggo terimakasih :D