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Well here I am inside the Starbucks with my Americano. And yes! We decided to hang out here. I'm waiting for the boys but like always I come first. Exactly this starbucks really close with Calum but I'm sure that Calum will wait until someone arrive, then he will go. So better text him.
Me: Calum, I'm here! Where are you?
Calum: Hold on, On my way.
Not long after he texted me like 3 minutes after that he appeared with Ash and Mike. What?
"So sorry for waiting boo" said Calum.
Then Cal, Ash and Mike take a sit.
"Well Guys why should we chill here? Why not in Calum's? it is near though" I said
"no no no Seriously? I'm sick at Calum's house" said Michael.
"We exactly just from Calum's house. And after that we got a text from you to hang out and we choose Starbucks because it's not too far" Ashton explained while laughing. Well all of them are laughing exactly. They're idiot though,
"wait what? You are gathered at Calum's without telling me? Come on! I'm your friend, don't you remember that?" I asked to them. Can't believe they hangout without asking me if I want to join.
"I'm sorry Luke, I thought you were with Arzaylea and we don't want to disturb you two." Said Ashton
"You know, we just a single man" Calum added
"and I'm pringle hehe you know single but hungry" Michael said then laughing.
"You should put "S" behind "Pringle" Mike. So you are "PRINGLES"" Calum said and laughing with Michael and Ashton
"Yes I am. Especially Pizza flavor" shouted Michael then all of them start to laugh really loud. And I'm here just like Why should they have to be RECEH?
"So what you got Luke? Americano? Eww I hate it" said Calum "Mike, Ash, what do you want to drink? I'm on my mood today so I'll pay you a drink" he added.
What? They all hang out at Calum's house without asking me and now Calum just pay a drink just for Mike and Ash??
"Pumpkin spice latte please" said Ashton
"Seriously Ash? We're in spring" I said
"oops sorry come on Ash you're in LA right now so just give me Vanilla frappe" He said "Haha I'm sorry I'm just an ordinary Australians Bopung so I thought it was Fall because ya it's Fall in Aussie" he said idiotically. Sometime I don't get it Ashton is the oldest but sometime he being stupid and Bopung.
"Okay and what about you Mike?"Calum asked Michael
"Aye just give me Cotton Candy Frappe" Mike said with his strong Australians accent. Exactly all of them have a very strong Australian accent. I mean we have been in LA for about 3 months and they still stuck with that accent.
Well, we are waiting for Calum right now. He is so late because lot of girls are want to take picture with him. And while waiting we also got a lot of girl who want to take picture with us
"well, here vanilla frappe for Ash and Cotton Candy frappe for Mike" said Calum while giving Mike and Ash their drinks.
"wait, where's your drink Cal?" said ashton because ya Calum just hold two drinks.