Chapter 3: Sleepovers

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At first I was sure I had to be dreaming - this had to be one of my friend's room. But as I took in every detail of it, from the bed in the corner to the shelves opposite it, I knew that this was indeed Bella Swans room.

"Wow," I muttered, utterly incapable of believing my own eyes. The room was neat and I could see that Bella liked to keep things in her own order. I pinched myself in the arm just to see if I was really dreaming.

"Well, it doesn't look like much," Bella's embarrassed voice came from behind me, "but it's a room."

"Are you kidding me?" I asked and turned around to face her. "I love it!"

"Thanks," she mumbled and blushed again. I simply smiled. Bella never felt comfortable about getting compliments. Well, it was just something that she had to get used to from now on. If Edward could compliment her in the book, then I could too. And besides, I had to make her forget the name Edward Cullen before we got to Forks, and I had no idea when we were leaving.

"So," I began. "where do I sleep?"

"I was thinking you could borrow my bed," she pointed towards it, "and I could use the spare madras."

Ever so humble Bella, But I'm afraid that won't work on me. "I can't take your bed," I told her. "I'm a guest here, I shouldn't take it from you."

"Exactly, you're my guest," she contradicted. "That's why you should be the one using my bed."

I felt the urge to slap my face with my palm. Did she have to be so stubborn? "Let's compromise," I said before I'd end up arguing with her about something so trivial. "You use the bed today and I will tomorrow." That should sound fair enough, even to her.

"That's not really going to be possible," she told me while biting her lip again. "It's tomorrow that we're supposed to go to Forks."

I starred at her. "So soon?" were the only words that escaped my lips.


Suddenly, an epiphany hit me and I smiled widely. If we were leaving tomorrow already that meant I wouldn't have time to get transferred into Forks High School, Edward wouldn't read my mind and "Twilight" was saved!

"You're kind of scaring me with that smile, you know," Bella said and I snapped back to reality.

"Oh it's nothing," I said, but I was still smiling. "Twilight" was going to be saved and I wasn't going to mess up as much as I thought - if not, anything.

"And I still don't know your name," she said while looking me directly in the eyes - daring me to lie to her about my name too. I merely smiled wider at her. If there was one thing I was never going to lie about, it was how I was named. I rather liked it, so why change it to something else?

"Sorry for that," I told her honestly, "My name's Katherine Henderson." I extended my hand for her to shake.

She took it. "And I'm Bella Swan, but somehow you already know that."

I merely smiled as we shook hands, and afterwards Bella excused herself to go and find some linen for the madras, while I placed my bags in a corner and went to sit in her bed.

"Please tell me this is some kind of dream, I'm dreaming", I asked no one in particular, and pinched myself in the arm once more, just to be sure I really was awake.

"Um, Katherine?" Bella's head popped through the door. "Is purple okay, or would you rather want orange linen?"

"Purple's cool," I answered and added, "And you can call me Kath you know. Or Kathy if you prefer that." I smiled widely at her. "Or you could just go 'Pride and Prejudice' on me and call me Kitty." We both smiled at that.

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