Chapter 5: Meeting Charlie

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I was immediately overwhelmed with the sheer size of it, as we entered Phoenix airport. At least a half dozen jumbo jets would be able to park only on the inside of it, I was sure. Renée was leading the way, and not much later mine and Bella's luggage was safely boarded. All four of us walked through the halls, window shopping, as Phil suddenly received a phone call, immediately requiring him at the nearest baseball court. He said his goodbyes and then it was only Bella, Renée and me left.

A lady announced that we could now board the plane to Seattle, and the three of us went to the gate in silence.

"Bella, you don't have to do this,"* Renée said as we stood there, and were about to walk into the gate. The sentence triggered something in me, and I suddenly got the feeling like I was intruding on a private moment. I walked a few steps ahead of them and looked out the wall made of glass, while I thought about what was yet to come.

I was truly at the beginning of "Twilight" now, Bella had been driven to the airport, she was telling her mom goodbye, and now she would go to Forks. Only one slight difference had thrown all of that out of it's originla balance. Me. I wasn't supposed to be here, I was changing it all just by standing next to Bella! What was I going to change by moving to Forks with her? Would she even fall in love with Edward, or would he never cast her a second glance?

He has to, I told my self. Her blood will appeal to him so much that he'll have to talk to her.

I sighed. This was not going to pleasant, I knew that. What about when Edward's going to read your mind? He's going to know everything, and then he'll most likely run away forever. He could never allow himself to hurt her. I sighed again.

I was going to ruin all beautiful about "Twilight"...

"Are you alright, Katherine?" Bella uncertainly asked from behind me, but I didn't turn around to face her. Instead I stared at the different planes, cars and people going on with their ordinary lives an jobs, just outside the airport. I found myself envying them for being able to just go about their days so normally and undisturbed, but I knew it wasn't fair of me to think that. They had no idea what was happening right in front of their noses.

No one else but me had.

"No I'm not alright," I told Bella as I finally decided to turn around and face her. I forced myself to smile at her, just to show that it wasn't too bad. Then I turned to look at Renée.

"Have great flight you two," Renée began. "and remember to tell Charlie I said hi."

"I will mom," Bella said, while looking like she would rather escape this now than board the plane.

Renée then turned to face me. "Have a great time in Forks, Kathrine," she said and then she did something that made me stiffen in surprise - she hugged me. After the shock wore off I awkwardly hugged her back - I wasn't used to hugging strangers or people I didn't really know yet. "Please take care of Bella," she whispered in my ear, making me even more confused about her current behavior. Then she let go of me again.

"Um, sure," I answered both her requests, before Bella and I finally boarded the plane.


As Bella had said in the book, the flight to Seattle took four hours, and the one to Port Angeles took one. We never really talked much on the plane, Bella having decided to read a book, while I had chosen to listen to my iPod. I noticed a couple of "Twilight" movie tracks playing once in a while, and swore to hide my iPod along with my books, once I got to Forks. It was still beyond me why I had even brought them in the first place, if I was going to ruin everything anyway, then any character reading them, could screw ten times more up than I had already done. I sighed at the thought. How had my life suddenly turned so complicated?

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