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wonwoo didn't answered. he didn't know. maybe seungcheol was right. maybe he do feels love for mingyu. maybe ...

when the lunch break was soon over, mingyu still haven't appeared. wonwoo knows that he would be on the rooftop of the school, like he always did.
on the way to the rooftop, he heard a lot of peoples whispering about something, about "a depressed boy who went crazy". he looked at them wondering about what they were talking about, when one of them suddenly said "isn't him, his friend ?".

"what are you talking about ?" said wonwoo.

"you know that boy who is always depressed, he is on the rooftop right now and keep screaming and things like this, what the fuck is wrong with him ? he scared the crap out of me" answered the same boy.

"nothing is wrong with him okay ? have you never been in pain ? just get lost damn."

after hearing this, wonwoo went to the rooftop. he saw a mingyu who was even more pitiful than before.
he was literally on the floor crying and screaming.

wonwoo sat down a few steps from him. he didn't want to go nearest maybe because he just didn't know what to do.

"why ? why am i still living ? WHY ?
i just ... killed my own family. i don't deserve to live, just why don't i have the courage to kill myself ? why ...
i am so useless, i am so tired ... i want to give up ..." he started.

"nobody will understand how badly i want to cover my body in scars, how i crave to see blood spill out to let me know that i am actually alive. but i am just too weak. i can't even jump from this fucking rooftop. i am just too weak ..." he continued.

he was now on his knees, hand on his chest, tears flowing on his cheek.
he couldn't take it anymore, this pain was slowly killing him inside, this pain who was growing deeper in his heart, days after days.
no one could understand him, he felt hopeless like nothing can save him. he wanted to escape from his soul that was filled with scars and painful memories. he wanted to be happy.
but the accident was still fresh in his head, he couldn't forget it. that day when his world was destroyed.
he approached the edge of the rooftop, and looked like he was about to jump.

like that day, the second day when i have met him, thought wonwoo.

wonwoo finally stood up and approached mingyu. he put his hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

"i already told you that i will be here for you. we are all a little broken, and that's okay. cry if you want, you don't need to hold it. no one will blame you for crying, because we are human, and it's natural to cry. but, please, stop thinking about suicide ... because i need you."

mingyu weakly looked at wonwoo. and for a second he felt hope.

"remember, from today i will always be by your side. i will help you, i will be there whenever you need me. i promise to you." continued wonwoo.

he held mingyu's hand and took him away from the edge of the roof.
when their eyes meet, wonwoo could felt his heart beat more and more faster. he looked away shyly and undid his hand from his friend. but mingyu hold it right away.

"it's warm." he said. "and i don't want to let it go." he added, holding wonwoo's hand.

the both of them stayed like this for a while, looking at the sky. mingyu enjoyed it. he never felt that peaceful since a long time.
wonwoo didn't asked him this time too, about why he cried, why he said things like this.
because he knew that one day, mingyu will tell him.

for mingyu, he knew, that he finally found someone who will care for him, someone who will be his new happiness, someone who will be able to help him. he felt something he never felt before with wonwoo's hand in his.

"maybe i will be able to smile again" thought mingyu.

and that day, wonwoo was sure.
he was sure that he unconditionally fell in love with kim mingyu.

"so you were right seungcheol. i love him." thought wonwoo, with a smile on his face.

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