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"mingyu do you have a phone ?" asked wonwoo.

it was the week-end, a few days after the rooftop thing. as promised wonwoo, they passed almost every days together. mingyu was slowly more and more comfortable with wonwoo. they could now share a normal conversation together, but still, he didn't have any emotions.

"no i don't, i don't find it useful." answered mingyu.

"you should have one, so we can talk by messages too."

mingyu didn't know how to feel about that, maybe yes, he should have one. he never talked to someone by messages, even before the accident, he wasn't interested in things like this.

"let's go out." continued wonwoo.

a silence filled the room. mingyu haven't go out, since a so long time, expect for going to school. now that he think about it, he haven't done much these past few years.
the tall boy was thinking carefully about it, does he really want to go out with wonwoo ?
and the answer was yes. he wanted to do everything he couldn't do before with his new friend.

"let's go" he said.

wonwoo smiled as the two boys were walking in the sidewalk, it was autumn, fallen leaves were in every corners of the street of seoul. the weather was good, everything was perfect for this occasion.
mingyu looked at the beautiful view that was in front of him, and he realized how beautiful was his city.
he closed his eyes as the autumn's sun reflects on him, and he took a breath. he was enjoying this moment. with tears in his eyes he turned back to face wonwoo and said a "thank you".

he was really happy to have him by his side. it was like wonwoo was his lifesaver. and he will always be thankful to him, always.

the day passed peacefully, the two passed a normal day together, doing what people of their ages would do.
on the way back to their own home, wonwoo pulled out a box from his backpack.

"it's for you, i already saved my number in it hehe."

it was a phone, the same as wonwoo. mingyu took it and looked at wonwoo.

"you are doing so much for me ... i really didn't need it ... but thank you so much, really."

when mingyu arrived at his home, he instantly felt lonely. no one was at home, he was alone as always.
when his parents died, his uncle agreed to take care of him, but not as mingyu thought. his uncle was someone really bad, he would always beat him when he was drunk. and he was barely be at home. so it was like he was living alone.

once he was in his room he sat on his bed, and took the new phone that wonwoo bought for him earlier.
he unlocked it and saw that the home screen was a picture of wonwoo.
He smiled as he saw this.

"did i just ... smiled ?"

two years. it took him two long years for finally smiling. and the reason was nothing else than jeon wonwoo.

he went to his contact number and saw the only one number that was saved, was wonwoo's. he clicked the call button and waited for him to answer.

"hey mingyu, what's up." said wonwoo when he picked up the phone call. his voice was deeper than in the reality.

"i just wanted to talk to you about something."

mingyu felt that he was ready. ready to talk about the accident to wonwoo.

"just listen to me and don't interrupt me please ... it's the first time that i will talk about this to someone. and promise me that you won't leave me after this ..."

"why would i leave you ? i will never leave you ok ?" answered wonwoo.

"so ... it was two years ago, and my house was burned by fire. it was like two am, when i woke up and saw everything around me being burned. when i get out of my room, i saw my sister. she was trapped inside her room that was filled by fire. she was begging me to help her going out of this. and i .." Mingyu's voice was now broken, it was so painful for him to talk about this.

"and i, just couldn't do anything, i was just looking at her ... dying. she was so young ... i was so afraid that i couldn't even walk. the only thing that i have done was crying.
i'm ... i feel so useless.
and my parents ... it was the same they were trapped inside their room too. telling me to go, to live. and that's what i did. i just ... abandoned my family. i could have called the firefighter but i was so scared. i regret it so much now. i should have died with them."

mingyu ended the call and was now crying. again and again.
twenty minutes after, he heard someone knocking at the door of the house. he opened it and saw wonwoo. he couldn't even talk that wonwoo was already pulling him into his arms. tears were falling on wonwoo's face, he felt the pain of his friend. as he hugged mingyu more tightly he said something that will make mingyu change, happy ... a few simple words that means the world for him.

"it's not your fault kim mingyu."

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