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the next day when wonwoo arrived in his classroom, he found mingyu, who was exactly like the day before, staring at the sky.

"hey, you are mingyu right ?" said wonwoo as he sat down next to him. no answer, again.

"seungcheol told me your name yesterday." continued wonwoo. "should we be friends ? i think that we have the same age ?"

nothing. mingyu didn't even take the time to look at him.
normally, people would find this rude or awkward and would stop talking, but not for wonwoo.
he was patient and was waiting for an answer from the latter.

"well i guess that you don't like talking that much ... it's okay ! by the way my name is wonwoo. jeon wonwoo." he said, with a little smile.

after this, the class started, they had maths, the subject that wonwoo hated the most. like, who loves maths ? wonwoo noticed that even when the teacher was trying to talk to mingyu he wouldn't answer.

mingyu was always looking out of the window. he showed interest for nothing.
sometimes, he would quickly write something on his copybook, and it was always the same word. death. and that worried a lot the boy who was sitting next to him.

when the bell of noon rang, mingyu took all his stuffs and quickly quitted the class, followed by wonwoo.
he went to the rooftop of the school and sat in a chair near to the barrier. and then he raised his head towards the sky. 

"he must really loves the sky'' thought the boy who always wear oversized sweater.

wonwoo continued to looked at him, and mingyu continued to looked at the sky. and they stayed like this for maybe ten minutes, or maybe one hour ...
it was not boring at all for the both of them : wonwoo enjoyed the peaceful moment, and mingyu ... to be honest he was doing this everyday, since nothing else interested him.

suddenly mingyu stood up from the chair, and walked near to the edge of the roof. and started to talk to himself.

"should i jump or no ? should i jump or no ... "

his voice was exactly like his looks : lifeless, emotionless, empty. wonwoo who was freezed by his sudden act, was just standing and looking at the scene, his mouth opened by the surprise.

he finally get to hear the voice of the boy that interested him so much. when he finally get up from the surprise, he runs to mingyu and pulled him far away from the edge.

"you should never jump okay ? there are surely a lot of peoples who are caring about you, and loving you, so think about how they would feel if you had jumped." he said, strongly looking into mingyu's eyes.

"nobody will cares. i'm just alone in this stupid world."

"i will." answered Wonwoo with insurance. "after all, we are friends right ?"

"friends ?" smirked mingyu. "i don't need useless things like this."

and without talking more, mingyu just went back into the school, and left wonwoo in the rooftop.

wonwoo was wondering about a lot of things : why mingyu was like this, why he may have the "anhedonia" illness, why he looked so broken and how he was before.

after a while of reflection he returned in the school too.
it was time to eat, and wonwoo went to the cafeteria with the company of his three new friends. he was looking for mingyu again, but he didn't found him.

"who are you looking for ?" softly asked jisoo.

"oh me ? nobody nobody haha." answered wonwoo.

"i'm sure that you are looking for mingyu !" cheerfully said soonyoung.

"well ... you are right." said wonwoo, slightly embarrassed.

"he never eat here, we have never see him there ..." told the older, seungcheol to wonwoo.

"oh i see ..." he said with a little disappointment in his voice.

when the day finally ended, wonwoo was patiently waiting for mingyu outside of the school. but he didn't come.

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