are you kidding me!?

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Ralph was back home in a flicker of a candle fire. Master splinter was not in sight as Ralph rushed to his room.

A mix of feelings filled him. Shock, because it was unexpected, mona never told him she was pregnant.

Joy, he was a father! He could only imagine, a boy to who would look up to him, or a girl to be his world.

He was nervous about it all, what would he tell his brothers? How could he ever rase a child?

He knew mona would help him and calmed down as the portal opend to her world.

Without hesitation he steped in. His girlfriend and unborn child child needed him.

As always the portle felt weared. Like he was being stretched and his body was being huged tightly. Suddenly he was out.

The world spinned for a moment before he could see strate again, he was in monas room.

At once he took off running, going as fast as he could pushing other salamander aliens out of his was as he took off the the hospital.

Ralph was glad he knew where the hospital was and in less then ten minutes. He skidded across the marble floors out front slipping slightly.

Ralph grabed the door and swong it open and rushed inside.

Only to run into someone.

"Watch it!!"

Ralph yells loudly shocking the tall alien. Ralph ran up to the front desk looking at the lady.

"My mate! What room is my mate giving birth in!?" Ralph asks loudly.

The woman glances at Ralph before smiling. "You must be Ralph. Y'gythgba told me a lot about you. She's in room 391."

Ralph did not even question that mona talked about him. He was alrety heading to the elevator.

In the elevator he looked at the buttons. Each button was a different floor. It went all the way to the fourth floor, the last floor where mona was.

When the elevator opend Ralph looked over at the first door he saw to see the number 391. Witch ment monas room was in the back.

Ralph ran again at full speed only for a doctor to walk out of a room. Ralph barely dodged him yelling "get out of my way!!"

As he reached the end if the gall he stared looking at the numbers.





Ralph skid to a halt sliding past the door by a few feet before regaining his footing and heading to the door.

"Mona!?" Ralph yelled as he slamed the door open. "I got here a soon as i could!! Why didn't tell me you were preg-!!!?!!!"

Ralph cut himself off as his mouth opend in complete shock.

Mona was in a bed along with the fact she was in a white doctor outfit. (You know, the ones they put you in?)

That and she had a baby in her mouth nibbling on the baby lite it was a snack. And her eyes were glossed over and unfocused.

Ralph yells in panic as a docter rushes in. The doctor took one look at mona and sighs as he rushes over to mona.

Mona hissed slightly and the docter looks at Ralph. "Take the child. She'll hand her to you." I step forward and reach out griping the tiny form in my hands.

Mona at once dropped the baby in his hands and panicked. I'm holding a child, Ralph thinks.

"You must be Ralph. Congratulations, it's a girl."

Ralph looks at the docter in panick as mona passes out out the child... No... His child.

He gives Ralph a knowing smile telling him he has seen first time father's before. Ralph pulls the child closer to him and looks down at her.

(You can see pic of her above)

Her eyes opend all the way landing on him, and just as their eyes meet Ralph felt joy. No longer afraid he hugged her to his chest plate.

But then he glanced at mona. "What's was she doing to you?" He asks out loud moving his free hand to mona cresting her face watching as she barely even stirs, looking completely exhausted.

"Their is no cause for concern, young man."

The docter spoke making Ralph shift his daughter in his arms and look over at him.

"It's not uncommon for salamandrien to attempt to consume their offspring when stressed or after dealing with a difficult pregnancy."

He says grabing clipboard with papers on it and checking them over.

"Y'gythgba should make a full recovery eventually, but you will have to take care of the daughter until she dose."

It took Ralph a moment to realise the first few thangs the docter said.

"She tryed to eat her...?"

Ralph traled off gesturing to the child in his arms.

"It's more commonly known as post-birth-eating disorder."

Ralph glanced at mona for a moment.

"That's messed up."


Ralph sighed. He knew nothing about children. How was he going to take care of his little girl?

"Sir, may I ask what your to name her?"

"What?" Ralph asks snaping out of his thoughts.

"It's common for the mails to name the children." The doctor said looking at Ralph.

"Oh! Umm...." Ralph looks down at his little girl to see her eyes fully open and looking up at him.

"Irrilia." Ralph answers smiling down at his little girl.

"So be it. You may leave when your ready."

Ralph nodded his head as sitting down in a chair next to monas bed. He looks at the child in his arms and smiled.

"I'll take good care of her." He says leaning over to nuzzle monas nose.

Now he just had one last problem.

His family.

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