chapter 6

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Bri pov

After, getting the stuff for my room and unpacking and decorating it I was exhausted.  I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes I felt the presence of someone so I looked and there was Nik looking around.  I like it is looks good he said. Thanks, I think I went a little over board with your card though I am sorry. Nonsense you don't have to apologize you are my mate my other half you can spend every dime I have and wouldn't care. I had tears coming down my face nik looked at me. Love, why are you crying because, I have never had anyone do that for me. I only got 3,000 a year to survive on so I am use to budgeting money. I got carried away with becca.  Next, thing I know nik kissed me.

After, our make out session we went to the grill. I was wearing my new clothes that I got. Ty looks at us bri why are you holding Klaus hand? Ty he is my mate. What, no not possible come home now, no ty he is my mate and I can prove it. How, bri get me bonnie She can do a spell to tell.  After, about 10 minutes the Scooby gang came and Bonnie sat at the table Nik and I were at and did the spell. They are true soul mates ty I am sorry she said and got up. OK but, Klaus you hurt her and I will kill you. Carol, just happened to see us and said brianna find someone else to get money from. I looked at her and said no Carol I am not using him for his money we are mates but, that is good news for you now you don't have to give me the 3,000 a year and expect me to live off of it. Ty looked mad at his mom. Mom, what else have you done to my sister? Well, ty take a seat we need to talk.

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