chapter 9

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I am at the mall with rebecca getting to know her and dhe loves to shop. Everything i say looks cute she throws in the bag. I have all kinds of clothes,shoes, lingerie and etc. Nik will love this on you bri becca said and grabbed it. I think we have enough for the day becs.

After, finally, leaving i went up to my room and put all my clothes away. Nik was at the door how was your trip to the store? Great i said, i looked at the sky and seen it was getting close to the full moon so i started getting my stuff ready. Nik looks and says what are you doing? I have to get reafy and go to the lockood cellar cause it us a full moon tonight. Let me come with you then, we can change together i will be a wolf with you. Okay, let me get my wolfsbane and i will be ready.

Nik, did as said helped me threw the pain and changed along with me. The next morning i woke up to a blanket on me and nik sitting there. Hello love he said hi nik. I think we should get dressed now i look down and all he has on is his boxers i blush. But, before we do he kissed me everything just exploded in me and next thing i kniw it is a new day we was at the cellar wuth each other all day and night. I loved it.

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