chapter 11

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After, telling ty about the baby nik and i are going  tell his siblings. Elijah and becs are sitting in the living room we walk in. We have to tell you something, we are going to have a baby. They were excited for us. Becs looked at me we need to go shopping, i asked her to go tomorrow cause i was feeling sick.

The next day

Me and becca went shopping for the baby. We got neutral colors for now till we find out what we are having. Then, we are meeting nik at the grill.

We walk into the grill i give nik a kiss and hear a growl i look around and it is Caroline. Care why are you growling cause i kissed my man? He was interested in me first and you took him. He is my mate and you will never have him, you have my brother. We will see about that. She left and i looked at nik she is going to try something. We will have to be on guard. We went home for the night.

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