...Playing with the OUIJA Board...

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Well a nother boring day it is and I hate boring days "hey Y/n look what I found in attic , a Ouija board wanna play??" BEN said while taking it from his back , I looked at him worried.

"BEN I'm not sure if it's safe to play... you seen those movies and I can assure you that if you put it some where far far away from the this place , everyone in the mansion won't die or be possessed and besides why were u in the Attic??" I said crossing my arms "oh come on Y/n lightin' up ghosts aren't real and I was looking for stuff now come on let's go to the base ment where the guys are at"

I sighed and got a bad feeling about it "BEN I'm not stupid they are real , trust me once you and gang in there are done playing y'all are gonna start seeing stuff and hearing noises " I replied to him before turning on my heels to go up stairs but BEN grabbed my arm and dragged me down to the basement with him .

We were 4 steps away from the ground until I tripped on my shoe lace and stumbled down the stairs while hitting my chin , my back , my arm ' my wrists , elbows , my head , my stomach , my knees , my legs and my boobs ,

"OH MY GOD Y/N ARE YOU OK!!!!??" Cried BEN as the other's rushed over to me and lifted me up and set me down on a chair "Y-yea but-...BEN y-y-you have to r-Remind me t-to tie my shoes b-before I go d-d-down stairs " he nodded " so who's doing this again??" "Um Masky , Hoodie , Jeff , E.J , L.J , and Toby "ok but who are we going to talk to??" "I don't know....well is there by any chance that a dead family member or a friend you want to talk to???" Asked E.J "Well.....there is...my little sister , (name) " I replied with sadness in my voice "she died at a young age huh?" "Yea...anyway let's start " I lifting up my head . They all nodded and placed two fingers on the wooden triangle (I don't know what it's called 😕)
"Say something Y/n " "Fine...(Sister's name)??
It's me Y/n...are you here with me, I want to talk to you , I miss you so , so much please answer " I said , and suddenly the triangle moved "guys who's ever doing it stop I'm serious I want her to move it by her self "
"I'm not doing Y/n I wanna see it too" replied Jeff , I nodded and looked at the others .

They nodded their heads "no" and had serious looks , I nodded and looked over at what letter it was on it was "I , M, I, S, S, Y,O,U T,O,O S,I,S " a tear rolled down my cheek and then a other and then three more made it's way down my face and hit the board , I sat up in my seat higher " S-S/N r-remember the T-the time where I was s-singing 'Say something"?? And w-we sang until w-we fell asleep??" I asked as more tears rolled down my cheeks

the triangle moved to " Y,E,S " I stared at it wide eyes
. I jerked my hand away from the board an started at it
"What's wrong Y/n????"
asked Masky with a worried tone "Thats not (S/n) , she hated that song cause it would make her cry..."
I said Glaring at the board "Nice way to trick it Y/n now that we know it's really not her sister what should we say??" Asked Toby ,I gulped and started wiping away the tears "we should say where are you right now in this room? " said hoodie "sure " I said "Where are you right now in this very room?"I asked and it moved to " T,H,E  ,C,H,A,I,R............" Jeff said and it moved to "Yes" . Jeff slowly picked up the wooden triangle and put it to his eye and he turned towards the empty chair and nearly flew back "OH MOTHER FUCKING SHIT GAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled and he fell off his chair then we all went silence until we saw Jeff standing up "SAY GOODBYE BITCHES CAUSE WE ARE DONE!!" L.J yelled.

"Well uh I think we're just gonna leave if that's ok with you??" BEN asked and it moved to "N,O ,S,T,A,Y " it said I gulped again and worriedly looked at BEN while a sweat drop made its way down the side of my face "But we need to leave so goodbye" Jeff added but it quickly moved over to "N,O ,S,T,A,Y , O,R ,E,L,S,E " okay now I was really scared "No we're not staying " Toby said with a bit of anger and it moved to "Y,O,U ,S,H,O,U,L,D,N'T ,H,A,V,E ,D,O,N,E ,T,H,A,T " I read out loud "HEY THAT'S MY LINE "BEN yelled

"C'mon guys let's just end it " Hoodie said
"yea " Jeff said and we all moved it to Goodbye .
"Thank god that's over " I said and sighed in relief "yeah it kinda got me there " hoodie said "what do you guys think it ment by OR ELSE?" L.J asked "I think it was just teasing us " E.J assured us "I hope" I said hanging my head down feeling guilty about playing "hey it's ok Y/n as long as Slender dosn't find out but if someone gets possessed then we'll tell the truth K?" Masky said "ok thanks Tim Tim " "hehe-don't call me that..." He said turning his head to me while we all walked up the stairs out of the basement "yea whatever Masky " I rolled my eyes as we walked up to our rooms-...well some of us went to the bathroom, kitchen and to the living room and as for me I went to play video games with BEN.

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