Chapter Three

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My mind was on a whirl wind of a ride, everything stood out in beautiful clarity. But I was sadly at the mercy of a Vampire. This would defiantly be new. But being to hyped up on the fairy drugs I couldn't do much, but then I also didn't want to deny the need that my body was craving. He undid the ropes on my body and watched me, I stood up slowly.

I took in his features, he had the unnatural beauty that came with his type. His eyes were cat like and a deep ocean blue that captured me. They take over my body sizing me up through my clothes.

I move forward due to the drug I am feeling extremely turned on, my body on fire, I rubbed myself on him, my body screaming with need.

He didn't seem to mind he licked his lips fangs as they extended out, I licked his bottom lip, grinding my core into his member, he was hard. It was driving me crazy I wanted him so bad that it hurt.

But at the same instant I felt a sharp scream in the back of my skull. It cleared my sense a little bit but not much but it didn't stop their it felt like someone was running a knife through an open wound. I clutched my head, and screamed shaking with the pain.

But this shocked my body I feel myself get heavy and then I drop to the ground. Passed out.


When I woke up I sit up and soon release that it was a really bad idea and fall back down head slapping a pillow as I clutch it.

What the hell happened? I though and cringed as memories started rising to the surface of my brain, I sit up ignoring the almost crippling pain.

That's damned Vampire I'll rip out his throat, how dare he drug me! I swing my legs over the bed that I seemed to be in a room, no one was their. It was safe then, my Demon howled in anger in more ways than, one I wanted to howl too. She was yelling at me with a primal Anger that I understood. It boiled in my head.

I check out what I have on. Jeans and a T-shirt. I sigh and head over to the closet, my hands traces over the contents in tile I find a black shirt that tight and then a pair of strapped black pants I notice my boots are also in their lucky split.

I smile and can't help but tap my boot together. And out comes the knife in the tip of the boots. Great. I strip off the jeans I have on and then the shirt quickly pulling on everything.

My head snapped to when the door opened and in stepped a Vampire I had never seen. I couldn't afford to let this game go on any longer. I run and slid under the vampires open legs.

My Body hits a wall and I stand in an instant running down the hall way I heard the Vampire fast on my heels. I turn my head and inhale sharply. They were pissed. They would be punished for letting me get out of the room but to get out of the building they'd surely be killed. It wouldn't go well with the Covens leader.

I turn and run into another Vampire. Shit, rotating my leg I swing and catch the vampire in the shoulder. Using my momentum, I slam them into the ground the knife sliding out of their shoulder and back into my boots I land on them and keep running the other Vampire a hairs breathe away.

I felt cold hand wrap around my neck, I am jerked back, my wind pipe being closed off from the force. I try to shake them off but their not having that.

"We're you think your going Hunter?!" Their voice is a snarl but still sound musical, at this point it was a fighting battle to keep from blacking out.

"Don't tell me this is all that you're got, I didn't think your this weak. Guess your outta touch with your Demon Blood line." That chills my blood and ignites a cold fire. I slam the heel of the boot into the vampires toe and then my arm comes into his gut I feel a rib or two snap.

He cusses and the hand around my neck come off, I hiss and suck in air as fast as I can. I turn around and punch the vampire in the face my hands hurt but it feel good to physical relieve anger. Grabbing his pale blonde hair I tilt his head to so he's looking me in the eyes.

"Your useless if you think you can stop me." I growl out my voice taking on a darker quality. Unable to keep my anger in check I almost slit his throat, I retracted the blade at the last second knocking him out.

I stare at him for a second and then remember that I need to get out of here. I run sprinting down different halls ways and what not, trying to find my way out of this god awful maze of a building.

I sigh with relief when I see a window, with sun light streaming through the window, I keep my sprint up but right before I reach the window something wrap around right ankle I growl and in the next second I am flat on my back pain exploding through the right shoulder, landing hard.

Their is a dark chuckle in front of me when all of the sudden a foot lands on my chest it hurts the wind is driven from my lungs I was sucking on air that wouldn't go down, I coughed when I forceful tryed to inhale, I glare at the person attached to the foot on my chest. Salis was standing their a dark grin of his flawless features.

"What the rush Hunter don't wanna stick around and finished what we started last night? I really wanted to see how it would feel to have you squeezing me, I wonder if you'd scream." His voice was cold but seductive. What the hells with this guy.

But my Demon didn't want to have this, though his words were having a slight effect on my body weather I liked it or not. I felt moister between my thighs, he smiled and sifted his foot down to my core rubbing it with the toe of his shoes, I bite down on my lip, I could breathe but now with this is was started to feel strained again.

I withered beneath that shoes I couldn't say I wasn't proud of myself in that moment, but my nerves were being over run with a beautiful sensation that I was feeling, I was getting wetter by the second, he bent down and was on top of me I lay underneath him, I whimpered when I no longer felt the motion at my opening.

I bought my hands up but he wasn't having that he took them in his hand and held them above my head, as he used the other to rub in between my legs causing me to moan in delight.

His eyes flash a vibrant color at my cry, I sift my leg up my knee rubbing his bulge, my mind was lost in the feel of him. He devoured my lips with his seeking permission he licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth a little his tongue, sending shivers down my body. I press my knee harder and he shakes a little, pulling his mouth of of mine he slowly kisses my neck his tongue making a patter over it.

He turns his head back looking at me in the eyes, I could only imagine that they were glazed over with lust and need. He smiled and turned back to my neck I felt his breathe their....


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