Just One Kiss

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"Come on Natsu"


"Just one"

"No" Natsu replied, walking ahead.

They were on a mission and Gray was being very clingy. There hadn't passed a minute where he didn't whine for a kiss or a hug.

"Pleeeeeaaaaasseeee~" Gray whined again. It had been a while since they had some alone time and he was craving kisses and cuddles. He knew Natsu got easily flustered from PDA, but it had been a week since they last kissed because of clients requesting them. When Natsu had finished a mission Gray had just left on a special request and vice versa. He was Natsu deprived.

Natsu looked at Gray from the corner of his eyes. "No, just focus on the mission."

Natsu craved a kiss too, hell maybe even more than Gray, but he was scared what other people might think of them. He'd overheard some people talking about fags and how disgusting they were, how they all should be locked up.

"Just one smooch babe, come on" Gray whined yet again.

"Still no"

Gray pouted, but soon an idea popped up in his head. He made his way in front of Natsu, making him stop in his tracks. He knew exactly what the slightly shorter fire mage couldn't resist. The classic puppy dog face.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top~?" He made his best puppy dog face and looked Natsu straight in the eyes. No matter how hard he tried, Natsu had never been able to resist the puppy dog face.

Natsu finally gave in and quickly pecked Gray on the lips, hoping no one had seen it.

"There, now can we get on with this mission? It's at least another 30 minute walk." Natsu looked away blushing a bit. He usually didn't think much of kisses, but with Gray it was different. Every time they kissed he couldn't help but get flustered, even though they've shared quite a lot since they started dating.

"You were the one who wanted to walk, I would've liked to take the train." Gray replied grinning.

"I am NOT taking that death machine, Snowman!"

"You say that every time, Flame brain."

"This time I mean it, Popsicle."

"We'll see, Ash for brains."

~~~~~~~~Time Skippo~~~~~~~~

After completing the mission Gray managed to get Natsu on the so called 'death machine'. When the train started moving, Natsu immediately clutched his stomach, making Gray feel bad for dragging him here.

"You can lay on my lap if you want." Gray offered. He hated seeing Natsu like that.

Natsu wanted nothing more than lay on Gray's lap and snuggle into him, but the fear of people judging them held him back.

"What if people stare? Or think we're disgusting? It would be bad for Fairy Tail if it came out that two of their most well-known mages are fags, wouldn't it?" Natsu managed to get out before throwing up out of the window.

"So what if people stare? We'll kick their asses so hard their grandchildren will still feel our big toes," Gray said as he pet Natsu's back, "And who made you think we are disgusting?"

"I overheard some people talk, saying fags were disgusting and should be locked up." Mumbled Natsu with his head still out of the window.

"Is that why you wouldn't kiss me?"


Gray grabbed Natsu's shoulders and pulled him around to kiss him deeply. It took a few seconds for Natsu to comprehend what was happening, but he soon eased into the kiss, placing his hands on Gray's cheeks, whereas Gray's hands trailed slowly to his hips. Gray licked Natsu's bottom lip, wanting to deepen the kiss. To tease him, Natsu stubbornly kept his mouth shut. Gray slowly moved his hips forward, brushing their members against each other making Natsu moan slightly and using that moment to slip his tongue in. After quite the heated make-out session they parted for air, both their faces being as red as Erza's hair.

"You shouldn't let what other people say get to you, they're just being ridiculous. It's not their business who we love." Said Gray, brushing the bangs out of Natsu's face.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


"Do you really think it was a good idea to stalk them?" Lucy asked her scarlet haired companion. "Erza?"



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