Chap 14 everthings going to be alright

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I stopped my mind going off in different directions just thinking I finally got enough courage to turn around and it was Carter but what was he doing here?

"I'm here to keep you safe were mates forever." He said walking closer to me putting his hand on the giant bump where our babies are I looked down and smile.

I started thinking about all the times we spent together before all this. All of the peaceful times before this happened before I knew we would be running for our lives.

"What are you thinking about babe." Carter said

" just thinking about all the peaceful times before we started running for our lives." I told him

"Well soon it'll be back to normal and did you know today your five months pregnant" Carter said it shocked me it really did because I was four months pregnant last month. I've been gone for a month I didn't realize it.

"Carter" I asked as he hummed in response

" when do you think we are going to be walking down the aisle." I asked really curious because believe it or not as bad as the situation were in is i trying to focus on the positive

" when we get everything back to normal" he said

"I really can't wait." I said and he just nodded we started walking past the lake and the the forest it still surprises me that he knows his way around because to me everything looks the same from the trees to the grass to everything.


We continued to walk until I looked behind me and noticed Kevin had stopped walking i quickly transformed to my light blue wolf and walked over to Kevin I then rubbed my head against he leg. I knew he got the hint because he climbed onto my back. I was going to start walking again until I heard a snap behind me.

I quickly turned around and it was a rouge I then took off running as fast as
I could to the pack house. I told Kevin to hold on through our mind link as I twisted through the trees and jumped over fallen logs.

And before I know it we were back at the pack house. I got Kevin off my back and we quickly walked into the house.


"He's in his office." My sister Victoria said

I then picked up Kevin and walked into his office I then laid Kevin on the bed

"Do you think you can help him Dr.Stevenson." I said

"Yeah it will be no problem I just have to run a few tests to see what's exactly is wrong with him." He said I was so worried about Kevin that question were swarming my brain that I couldn't think straight.

"Hey don't worry there is nothing that I can't fix he'll be fine come back in 2 hours and all the test will be done." He said and he was right I needed to calm down and stop worrying

" your sure he'll be ok without me." I asked because not only am I super worried but I'm very over protective

"He'll be 100% fine." He said I thought about it and finally agreed

After i agreed i went to my room to to clean it I opened my door and picked up the dirty clothes and put them in the  hamper. I then made the bed and washed clothes, and even vacuumed. Once I felt like everything was in place I checked the time and two hours had went by so I went down to Dr. Stevensons office to find out what was wrong with my baby boy.

Once I made it to his office I opened the door do the love of my life lying on the bed looking awful he had circles under his eyes, his hair was all over the place, and worse of all it looked like he had been crying

"Carter" he said his voice was rough and scratchy

"Yeah" I responded recalling hoping he would tell me why he was crying

" I..I t..thought you left" he said stuttering

"I would never leave you baby boy I love you." I told him truthfully

"Really." He asked

"Yes" I said

"Carter can I talk to you in the hall." Dr Stevensons asked

"Sure I said."

" I know this is hard for you but I'm just going to spit it out Kevin has........

A/N Sorry cliffhanger again I hoped you really liked this chapter because I think I messed it up let me know what you think and tell me if you like it or not

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