Every word counts(Mettaton x shy!reader)

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The rain above you peppered your face as you watch the gloomy grey clouds. The sense of relief rolls over you as the soft rain and thunder played softly. You continued your day gazing down on the pavement ignoring the citizens of the city. Sensing the states of people on you and hearing the small squeaks of judgement in the female's head. Though, it was just your brain down in the pits of insecurities- felt like it dipped in self with reality.
(Y/N)'s flat expression wasn't very molded into your emotions. As her shuffled your feet against the littered and concrete floor, the pocket of your warred out hoodie buzzed in shock of the call.
The female shoved her hands in the pocket, picking out the buzzing phone. The glowing phone had the wallpaper you installed and a banner on the roof of the screen spelled out, "Mettaton". A blooming of warmth spilled into her chest and a pokes of feathers tickled her stomach. Feelings were being mixed with cold nervousness and warm bliss of feelings. It wasn't lovely.
The tips of her finger slid on the fingered printed screen.
"H-hey Mettaton." The female murmured.
There was a small ticks of a few seconds,"Sorry, (Y/N), Darling~! Alphys was running some test~! So she had to finish it up~! Any who, how was your day." He purred, hearing the flamboyant accent coated in his voice.
"Oh t-that's ok!" She squeaked nervously, warm blood clammed onto her cheeks. (Y/N) continued to talk,"I'm doing a-alright. Just tired." You murmured. Saying you were, 'Tired' was like a billboard that just gave you passes for doing anything social or maybe it was a habit that swung around you? Either ways
"Oh darling, you are always tired~!" The robot mused. You chuckled anxiously and agreed numbingly.
"Hey Mettaton?"  You mustered out.
"Yes, what is it (Y/N)?"
"I w-was thinking if I could come over?"
" I mean you don't have to! I'm just asking! You can do whatever you want. It's fine either way." You added on quickly.
Earning a chuckled from the robot, you swear to yourself."Well, of course, sweetheart!" Mettaton cooed. Clearly you could feel his smile when he accepted your invitation.
"Friends like us rarely hang out!"
That stung really fucking bad.
Still cloudy, you head over to Metatton with layered anxiety and bliss. It was just a simple hang over, you said to yourself. But, your head decided to be a complex bullshitter and thought of it more. Currently, you were standing in front of the door. Hesitantly pressing on the doorbell, the door swung open immediately.
"(Y/N), sweetheart!" Mettaton greeted you with a pet name. Making you flush slightly.
"Welcome, welcome, welcome!" The robot chirped out excitingly. You greeted him with a shy smile and a simple, "How are you doing?"
He answered quickly," Well I'm doing just fine! Everything at work has been doing great! Well, except for burgerpants. You know how he is." Mettaton grumbled at the end and rolled his 1eyes about the cat. You chuckled at his actions and took a quick glance at the tall robot.
He was still the handsome devil in your heart.
"Mettaton, I was wondering what we are doing today.. What are we doing today?" You questioned the robot with a shy smile. The tall robot beamed as you questioned his planned out day.
"Well, I was thinking, (Y/N)! We could watch some movies! I've found a few human movies and they look very interesting!" He explained as he head towards the kitchen. You followed him into the kitchen, finding him digging through reusable grocery bag.
"Here are a few!" The robot showcased the movies towards you. You've seen these movies and they were all amazing. But, it made you feel a bit bad about your body.. You in fact was anxious by the fact that theses women were more fit and curved then you. It really scares you... But, passing the thought without looking back. You needed to spend time with this robot and know more about him. You mirrored his excited look and plucked out one of your favorites.
"Can we watch this one?" You politely requested.
"Of course! I was just looking at this movie before you came along!" The robot bubbly stated.
"W-well let's watch it then!" You commanded enthusiastically.
Half way into the movie and you both were stuck into it. You've watched this movie over three times and you couldn't help, but giggle at the hilarious scenes. The main character really put you in awe, however you felt bad about yourself after looking at their perfect figure.
"Oh, I wish I could look like that.." You murmured to yourself. Your murmuring was audible enough for Mettaton to hear clearly. Craning his head towards you he began to protest,"Please, (Y/N). You are just as beautiful as this actress! They have been photoshopped and basically caked in make up."
"Oh, thanks. But, look at her! She's perfect like a Barbie doll. I really do wish I was like her." You retorted quietly.
"Hon, (Y/N).  I may not even know what the hell a Barbie doll is, but I sure to hell know you are more extraordinaire then these actors."
Mettaton put you in awe as he complimented you. You really do wish he could prove the point, and you really do appreciate his praising.. But, it was doubtful.
"Mettaton, that's very sweet of you." You stated.
"But, I doubt you mean it.." You murmured quietly."
"And I do mean it, love." He cooed with a confident smile. If it was really easy to love yourself you would of done it already.
You sighed and glared into the screen sadly,"I mean look at her.. What do I have against her? Nothing.." Sighing out as you glance at your legs.
"Well, if you want me to be honest I will me honest." Oh no... Honesty wasn't what you wanted. The only thing you wanted was him to stop praising you.
"(Y/N) I believe that your eyes are beautiful. I've never seen anything so wondrous. Your voice is soft when you speak to me, and I love that about you, I really do. You know how every time you we see each other and you look down on the floor. I just want to lift your head up and stare into your shining eyes. Darling, your waist and your hands are the things I want hold.." Heat was set upon your cheeks as you stare at him. The famous robot rest his eyes on his laps and set to you again. Words right now was a thing you don't know how to make.
"It just makes me sad to see you look down on yourself. Talk about those horrible thing through your lips. Those lips that I want to kiss so badly, and lips that I can never touch. Your curves, waistline, whatever you hate about yourself... I enjoy so much. So, don't hate on yourself, ok?" His hands slowly reached up to your cheek. Mettaton beamed a faded smile.
"'Cause, love. I would hate to see that beautiful face frown."
"Mettaton, do you really mean that?"
"Every word counts." He stated lovingly. Shock and excitement popped into your stomach. Your words were caught in thought.
"Do you like me like that?"
"Who wouldn't?" A small grin stretch across the robot's face.
Something like this would never happen to you. Today was a dream.. So extremely cloudy and so joy filled. Mettaton frowned at your silent answer.
"I understand if your words do not return mine, (Y/N).."
You slipped.. You snapped.. But, not in a bad and angry way... No. You pounced onto the robot and wrap your small arms around the skeleton neck and pecked the robot's lips.
"Of course I return them."
The robot immediately returned your kiss. You sat on his lap as the both of you intake each other's kiss. Your eye fell into darkness as you both did your blissful movements. His tongue- which in fact surprised you- slithered into your mouth. You accepted the fact that the robot explored your mouth. Moaning slightly, you held your grip onto the robot. The robot returned his tongue back and gave you small kisses on your jawline and cheek. You pecked onto the robot's forehead and leaned into his forehead.
"Best movie night ever.." You stated as you panted. You rolled off of him and let your hesitantly snake around him. He returned the favor by wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I agree, love.."

(A/N): God, I'm horrible at endings and I fact writing in general! This request is for @

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