Please Don't Do That Again.. (Underfell!Sans X Suicidal!Reader)

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(I don't know the underfell au as much so sorry)

The lab coat tightly rubbed against your charred arms, sweat creeped up on your forehead and rushed down. What have you done to these poor monsters? Alpyhs trusted you, Gaster trusted you, you shattered the promise that you held tightly to. Too tight. The monster's tendons and muscles were melted together like wax, their faces mended together as well. The barely dimmed lab roared with the hybrid of monsters, you backfired to an experiment booth.
"I'm sorry!" Crying out didn't seem to make your troubles lighter.
The hybrids of monsters cried out and followed you in the booth- knocking over beakers and other chemicals. You retraced back even more. "Please! I'm sorry!" Stepping on your death threats and dream-more like nightmare- pages, you stumbled backwards. Gravity pulling you down, you copy its action and pulled on the circuit wires. The wires wilted apart, shooting out lightning bolts everywhere, the mixed monsters brayed out a shriek.
Recoiling themselves back to the entrance in fear. You soul beaten against your body in fear, you inhaled a new bubble of air. Sweat rushed down your forehead as you tried to adjust your frustrating mind. Blanching the hay wired wires you manage to untangle yourself out of the mess.


Oh god, you were a contorted mess of depression, anxiety, and evil. Those poor monsters, you stated in your mind, What have I done to them?! You could see memories flash by you as you sobbed silently on the way to the power outlet- which was located in the closet by the table of full of monster DNA and broken experiments. Zap. Zap. The wires continued to spark up the air- at least that's what you figured. Creaking the wood closet door open, you clicked off the outlet box. The zapping wires died as you turned off the outlet.
"Daily burning." You murmured as you walk towards the puddle of unique and old chemicals, fishing out the blue lighter you flicked the lighter alive. Before you detach the lighter from your burned hands, the flickering fire bounced on the puddle. It became white.

Cold. Wet. Soft and powdery. Snow? Small particles of snow flakes sizzled on your charred delicate skin. Splitting your eyes apart the soft snow contacted your eye. In reaction, you hissed at the pain in your eye. Where were you? Rising up your upper body, you scanned with the non-painful eye- rubbing the searing pain off of the other eye. Snowdin? You haven't been here in years but, what tickled your mind with confusion was the fact where you got here. Wobbling up on your knees, you began to walk through Snowdin. The scenery wasn't as familiar as it used to be. The inn was no longer an inn but, a sword shop and the other shop was more of a butcher shop. Interesting.. Strolling towards Grillby's the bar/restaurant was beaten down but, still thrived with citizens. The windows were cracked and the walls were damaged physically.
Rubbing your aching head you traveled so forth, taking in the empty pedestrian scenery, you decided to head over to the skeleton brother's house- which was still the same. Clutching on the cold cold metal door, you cranked it open. Not really surprising.
"Sans?!" You called as you moved around the house hold. The rough orange carpet made a ruffled as your broken boots walked on top of them.
"Papyrus?!" You called the taller skeleton's name. There was no vocal response but, just wooden creaks.
"Sans?! Papyrus?!"


Day 58

Scribbling down how your day went and pouring out your feelings, you could feel yourself cry. After, finishing you literature you yanked out a loose brick and shoved it in the compartment. The days have been horrible and the abuse by the other Sans, it hurts you mentally and physically. You attempted to stop Harming yourself for awhile. You were doing wonderfully but, the words that tug at your feelings like harp like hell. But, you were at the point you wanted to burn yourself and swallow matches so you can burn in hell. Sighing, you snatched a small lighter and began to sizzle your skin, you hissed at your pain.
"God." You hissed out. Flicking off the lighter, you shoved it down you pocket.
Your dim room began to lighten as your corneas burned at the new adjustment.
"Hey, human" A familiar rumbling voice called out. Hugging your knees close, you hid you charred arms. Sans. Sans was the frustrating looking skeleton. The one who actually abuses your body the most, most of the time just physical.
"What do you want?" You croaked out. You couldn't sneer at the monster, he would just kick you or damage you even more.
A clatter echoed through the dungeon, dragging your eyes to a metal plate full of spaghetti-unsure if it was cooked or not, you didn't take it. You still masked your arms away from Sans not wanting him to take a peek of your dead and decayed skin cells.
"Eat up." Is all he said. But, you didn't listen to him. It's been weeks since you hadn't digested food, your body was weak and frail, you could just collapse.
"I said eat up!" He yelled, you winced at his voice. Holding back your bubbling tears, you stared down between you legs.
Growling, Sans began to stomp towards you, when he was across form you he yanked at your arm trying to bring your closer the the plate. A few yanks, your self injured arm was exposed.
"What the fuck is this? Did Papyrus do this to you?" You nodded you head 'no'.
"Than who did?! Tell me!" His tone was sharp and frightening, you whimpered.
"I-I did it..." Your words managed to stumble out of your thoughts to your tongue.
"You what?"
"I did these," You showcased your burned arms.
"Just to burn in hell." You reasoned. Knowing you would probably ask why.
"B-burn in hell?" The trips of Sans's words, astonished you, he's never stuttered. According, to your studies at least.
"What do you think I was going to do to pay for my debts?" Whispering out to him, I the corner of your eye he looked a bit guilty.
"What?" You questioned harshly.
"N-nothing, I thought you were..."
"Heartless? Evil? Cruel? A murderer?" You chocked out a cry while you chuckled, you continued."Haha guess what buddy?! Your fucking right! I should burn from the inside out! And it's so funny! I thought I would never die! But, I will soon. From all these broken bones and the lack of food and water! heh! It's just lovely! I can burn my past right in me! My life, it's like.." You look around to find a reference, scanning around the room you figured to use your diary. Crawling to the loose brick, you pulled it out and snatched the worn out diary. You flipped through the pages showing him you entries and plans to end your existence.
"Like paper! I could just be burned, crumbled, and feared apart! I will be gone soon! Why don't you and your sibling kill me! Huh?!" Heaving, you smiled insanely. Your feelings were contorted with lost, death, and hate. The skeleton didn't manage to speak a word; you sighed and threw the diary to the side. Collapsing to the ground, you cried silently, only whimpers could be audible.
Sans stared at your diary and snatched from the floor. You didn't really care, you hypothesis he will burn it as well. Hearing audible paper overlapping each other, you brought your attention to Sans. He looked like he was skimming over your diary, a minute or so later. He halted at a page. Sans red blazing eyes zipped across the page with no expression, you turned around back to your corner and hugged your knees to you chest.
A hollow clatter made contact with your ears, you glanced at Sans. Within a flash he embraced you with his big heavy arms.
"I know how you feel."
What? Him? Sans? The skeleton who kicks you and bruises his body? Psychology wasn't your thing and you'd don't know what the fuck was up.
"I'm sorry I didn't this."
"And you deserve to live."
You couldn't believe him, could you? You began sob into the crevice of his arm,"I don't!" You sobbed out. Lashing out your arms as a threat. But, Sans couldn't feel harm.
You continued to lash out as your rebelled saying 'I don't deserve to live.','I'm a monster!', 'everyone hates me!','everyone think it's my fault! And it is!'

Sans took hold of the frame of your face, he stared into your eyes. Connecting his teeth with your lips, you inhaled scent. Strong and vanilla. You gave up and shut your eye lids. He disconnected,"Stop.."

"You deserve to live."

"Everyone mistakes."

"Everyone is special."

"Especially you."

"So, please don't do that again, love.."

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