Original Chapter Nine: In And Out of Trouble

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~Chapter Nine: In And Out of Trouble~

"Let me ex-mmph!"

I do not get to finish my sentence before I am being slammed face-first into the wall beside the closed double doors of Nero's living room. Nero sharply twists my right arm behind my back, making me hiss in pain. "That was a very stupid thing to have done, Atasah-aum," he says, his voice cold like ice.

Having been so focused on what I would say to the guards, I had not noticed Nero approaching me from behind until his hand was closing on my wrist with a grip of steel. Unwilling to harm him, there was little I could do to stop Nero from all but dragging me back in his rooms. I am starting to think I should have at least tried to fight.

"I've done stupider," I admit while attempting to shrug. The shrug turns into a flinch when he leans forward, putting more pressure on my twisted arm. Through clenched teeth, I add as calmly as I can, "Can you please not break my arm?"

The pressure lets up enough to stop my shoulder from accidentally being dislocated, but that does not mean it has stopped hurting. "I already said you can't leave, so why did you try?" Nero asks, his breath just barely hitting the back of my neck. If it were not for the pain in my arm, I would have melted from the warmth of his body pressing against mine. I am almost thankful for the pain keeping my head somewhat clear.

"For the same reason that you followed me – to protect someone," I explain, shifting to make myself more comfortable. "I have people waiting for me on land, people who I want to make sure are okay before I get stuck here. In case you hadn't noticed, there's a war going on up there."

Nero tightens his grip momentarily, before completely releasing me in favor of turning me around so my back is pressed against the wall instead of my face. "You were planning on returning?" He asks, completely disregarding my comment about the war.

My nod of confirmation seems to put him at ease, but I still add, "I'd be stupid not to. I spent most of my life trying to find you; leaving permanently would be a really bad move."

"I see," is his reply before he takes a few steps back to create some space between us. I would much rather he move closer, but I do appreciate regaining the ability to think clearer. The relief on his face lasts for another few seconds before it vanishes behind a stoic mask as he says, "I still can't let you leave."

My head falls back against the wall, connecting with a soft thump. "I figured as much," I sigh, though that does not make it any easier to hear. It means I will have to continue to go against his wishes, and now that he knows my intentions, it is unlikely I will catch him off-guard again. Speaking of catching him off-guard... "How did you find me, anyway?"

"In the interest of you not being able to evade me in the future, my methods will remain a secret," Nero replies, taking a seat on the couch. I remain slumped against the wall until he glances over at me and pats the seat next to him.

I could easily make a run for it, seeing as there is no way he could stop me from his position before I am out the door. However, with how little magic I currently have stored up, I likely would not make it far before the guards get a chance to take me down. Even if I did manage to escape, Nero would be angry and I don't really want to tick him off right now. What I want is to absorb any heat and physical contact he is willing to give me.

Not wasting another second, I walk to the other side of him and take a seat, leaving a few inches between us in case he does not want to be close right now. I can feel enough warmth from here that I will be okay until he decides he actually wants to touch me. After all, I was the one who was so eager to escape; I don't have the right to be begging for his attention now.

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