Original Chapter Thirty-One: A Fight to Remember - Part Two

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~Chapter Thirty-One: A Fight to Remember~

Grabbing me by the wrist before I can even think to protest, he starts dragging me towards the elevator. Koa only pauses to snatch my fiancé's wrist along the way, pulling him away from the Were he was having a conversation with. "What's going on?" Nero demands, but he does not sound angry, merely curious.

The captain only releases us once we are in the elevator, but since he is clearly trying to remember the number of the floor we are supposed to go to, I answer for him. "We're late for a review and strategy meeting," I explain, and then watch as Koa pushes the fifth floor button at least ten times in quick succession.

When the doors close, the old spy sighs and leans against the wall next to where Nero is standing. The ride up passes in silence, but as soon as the doors open, Nero asks a question. "What is the meeting about?"

"Information gathered from recent missions," Koa answers, glancing over his shoulder to make sure we are following while he quickly leads the way to the room they must have rented out for this meeting, as it is not the same one we were in earlier. "Everyone in that room either has an assignment and needs to know about what is being discussed or they just finished their mission and have something to share. Anyone outside the small circle wasn't invited this time, since the information is very sensitive...and the room is too small to fit a lot of people."

The room we enter is just a normal hotel room, albeit a rather large one with a living room and two separate bedrooms opposed to the single bedroom we were in before the mission. Both bedroom doors are closed, though, as it seems they want to keep everyone in the same room for the discussion. The kitchen is just a counter with simple appliances – a microwave, refrigerator, coffee machine, etc. – and there is only one chair and couch, which are both oddly empty despite the amount of people in the room, all of whom are standing.

I take note of the twenty or so people, as well as the amount of tension that surrounds the group. At first, it seemed like there might have been some kind of disagreement before we arrived, but then I notice how many Were there are in the room and I am reminded of how much I hate dominance fights. Sidr, who is standing with a couple of familiar demon officers, looks relieved when he sees us, while everyone I do not know just stares.

"I'm going to need more coffee for this," the spy captain mutters, walking over to the kitchen counter.

Nero slips his hand into mine suddenly, and for a very confusing moment, I thought he was seeking out comfort, which is very unlike him. However, the glare he is shooting everyone looking in our direction quickly disproves my original theory. He is just being a possessive Mer. Not that I mind, because it is incredibly hot and he will definitely find out how hot I think it is when we return to the castle.

Aside from Sidr and the officers – two Hellions I know very well, Sergeants Tiezoch and Gaemnar – I recognize three other people in the room. Or, at least, two of them are people, while one of them is...well, a wendigo. It is the same wendigo from the prison, though I am not sure why it is here. No one really seems pleased to have it here, as they give it a wide berth. And since its mask is repaired, it looks all the more intimidating than it did with it half gone. I have to wonder how it even got into the hotel without security stopping it.

The other two are the Were couple I encountered while eating with Koa in the hospital cafeteria, Heather's brother and his mate. When no one comes forward or introduces themselves, I use our clasped hands to pull Nero over to an empty space between the wendigo and Sidr, figuring that it is better than standing in front of the door. I drop his hand once we reach the spot, but only after giving it a light squeeze.

Before I can greet either of the officers or Sidr, my mentor announces, "Now that we're all here, we will start."

A large hand clasps my shoulder while Sidr goes through the formalities of thanking everyone for coming and I shoot an inquisitive look at the owner of the hand, Tiezoch. "It's good to see you alive, Lieutenant," he murmurs softly into my ear, not wanting to be overheard by anyone else in the room. Though, considering the amount of people in the room with enhanced hearing, at least half of them still heard.

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