Chapter 17

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Unedited, Sorry....

One week later, another week closer to graduation.

Me and Jack where fine, but i think reality hit him and now he's acting like a douche bag.

I'm pretty sure he knows that we're gonna have to break up. We don't want to. I don't want to. But we both know we can't do long distance.

It kinda sucks that he's acting like this, because I want to spend as much time with him as I can before I leave.

Graduation is 2 weeks away. The guys and I have been making the most of our time together. And when I say boys, I mean Nate,Johnson and Sammy. Jack is usually somewhere by himself.

Yesterday, I saw Leah walking up to Jack but Jack just walked past her and ignored everyone. I honestly just think he needs time alone.

Sammy grabs my arms and beings me in for a hug. " Are you okay?" He questions.

I sigh and nod. " I'm fine."

He pulls away and kisses my forehead before walking into his kitchen.

Nate, Johnson and I are hanging at Sammy's. Just o have a little relax time, we've all been under stress.

From whoop to helping me cope with the Jack situation, they definitely need a break.

I walked over to where Johnson was sitting and sat down beside him. I put my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me and leaned back.

" Go to sleep." He whispers.

I shake my head. " No."

He sighs. " You need to sleep Emerson."

" So do you." I close my eyes for a brief moment before opening them again.

" If I go to sleep will you?" He asks.

I think before replying. " No, probably not."

He groans.

I haven't slept in 3 days. It's been crazy. My brother leaves soon, for Kate's sake. But I'm happy that they're happy.

I've been worried about graduation, and I don't know why. I just think it's because I know that I don't have that much time left in Omaha once it's over with.

I've thought about a few things while me and Jack aren't on the best of terms.

I know that New York isn't where I want to live, where I want to settle down. I want to settle down somewhere, where it would make me happy everyday.

I've been thinking about after New York, I'll go to Cali. Not for Jack, but for me. I know that, that sounds rude and selfish of me but it's my future to, not just his.

I lean off Johnson's shoulder and remove his arm from around me.
" Lay down in my lap." I tell him, he sighs in annoyance but still does it.

He's been worried about leaving Rachel, I think he's in love with the girl. But he doesn't have the balls to tell her.

I look down and play with the ends of Johnson's hair as his soft snores full my ears.

Nate walks in with a glass of water. He sits across from me and smiles.

" How have you been?" I question.

" Chill, You?" He asks back.

I shrug. " The same, I guess. Just alittle stressed  and worried." I say with a small smile.

He nods. " You know we all support you right? G just needs time to himself right now." He tells me.

I nod, understandingly. " Yeah, but I leave sooner than he thinks, and while we could be spending time together, he out doing god knows what." I mumble.

" I get it." He tells me while Sam walks in the room to.

Sam sits down beside Nate and pulls out a bag. I know what they are about to do, and I don't like it.

I run Johnson's arm, until his eyes slightly open.

I lean down to his ear. " They're about to smoke, so Imma head out." I whisper. He nods before sitting up and streatching his arms.

I get off the couch and grab my keys. I wave at Nate and Sam and they wave back. Johnson beats me to the door and opens it for me.

" You want to come?" I ask stuffing my phone in my back pocket.

He shakes his head. " Nah, I'm good here for a little bit. I'm probably gonna go and sleep in the guest bedroom." He tells me leaning against the door frame.

I nod and give him a quick hug before walking to my car.

" Give me a call if you need anything!" He shouts at me while I unlock my car.

I give him a thumbs up before getting in my car and buckling up. I put the key in the ignition and turned the car on.

I drive out of the drive way and make my way home.


I pull up in my driveway and turn the car off. It's completely dark out since I stopped and got some food on the way home.

I grab the bag and lock my car before walking up to the front door and walking in. I lock the door after me.

I take my shoes off by the door and walk in the kitchen. I grab a fork and open the box of sesame seed chicken and start eating while looking through Instagram.


I put my hair in a bun, brush my teeth, wash my face and slip on a long tee shirt before climbing into bed.

My mom and Brandon went out to have some mother and son time, I don't care cause he's been hanging out with me instead of mom lately. So they needed to.

I grab my phone and once again get on Instagram. 

Jack Gilinsky tagged you in a photo

I click on the photo to see one of us hugging at a party. It's a really cute picture. With the caption
" Babygirl"

I liked the picture before locking my phone and setting it on the charger.

I pull the covers full over my body and let my head sink into my pillow before drifting into a deep sleep.


Sucky chap but it's coming to an end ppl.

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