Stand up (Chpt 1)

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"Ally, honey time to get up." I heard my mum yell from downstairs.

'Rrrrr why does it have to be so hard to get up'

"I hate Mondays." I mumbled as I pulled myself out of bed. I quickly went to the bathroom and showered then got ready for school. 'mmmmm I hate school'.I thought as I ran downstairs to find my mum making pancakes.

"Honey come sit down and have some breakfast." she said sweetly. "No thanks, I really gotta go or I'll be late." "Again sweety? you've missed breakfast everyday this week." 

"And I'm gonna miss it everyday until I fit into my prom dress." I mumbled under my breath. "what was that?" she said sternly. "Nothing mum." I answered hastily as I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and before she could protest further I ran out of the house.

I figured I would walk to school considering I don't have any other way to get there.


When I got to school I walked slowly keeping my head down staring at my feet, towards my locker when I was almost there someone pushed me into a locker. "Dyke." I heard them say then laugh. As i bent down to pick my books up i felt someone bend down next to me.  I looked up and saw a tall, muscley guy with brown hair and blue eyes. "A-are you ok?" he said in a deep raspy voice as we both stood up.

omg what do i do? why is he talking to me?even better, why is he helping me?

"i umm... i... i'm...umm" i was trying to talk but the words just wouldnt come out. errrr what is wrong with you, Ally just say something  I thought to myself  "i...ugh... i'm fine" i said nervously he just laughed and then went silent. I just continued looking down at my feet fidling with them i woulnt dare to even look at him but i could feel his eyes burning a hole into the back of my head. "thanks." i said before walking -Well practically running- to my locker. "wait." i heard him say before he was cut off by the bell ringing and all the students scattering into class. i quickly grabed my books and ran like all the other students off to my first period.

omg what just happened? did someone actually just talk to me? and nicely? and a boy? what is going on? is this a prank or something? all these questions rushed into my mind as i was quickly walking off to class.

Everything went fine until sixth period. I was in Maths staring out the window.

'Maybe if I just jumped out the window then maybe this stupid class would be over, I don't even care if I lived or died.'

"Miss fletcher." I was snapped back to reality by the strict voice of Miss 'wart face' Jenkins, she was standing right Im front of my desk glaring down at me. I then looked around and saw everyone staring at me.

OMG why is everyone looking at me like that what the f-

"y-yes m-miss." I mumbled. "would you like to complete the equation on the board?" she questioned. I just gulped and made my way to the front of the classroom.

"well..umm.. you .. umm.... take the-" I was about to explain when I heard some one yell something from the back of the classroom. "Dyke." he said and then the whole class laughed. That seemed to be everyone's favourite nickname for me today. 

i have to get out of here before i do somthing like cry i woulnt hear the end of it if i started crying in front of the whole class!!!

"Who was that!" Miss Jenkins screamed. As soon as she turned her back I siezed my chance and sprinted out of the class room and I didn't stop there. I didn't know where I was going I just kept running until I found myself near the playground around the corner from my house.

This is my favourite place, it's my only place really once my step-father comes home at night. When I reached the play ground I got on the swing and just sat there. The view from the playground is amazing it takes my breath away everytime i see it. 


"Get up, your going to school." my big brother 'josh' screamed at me from the bottom of the stairs. I got up and went to the bathroom, I showered and put some black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and checkered dress shirt, but didn't do the buttons up so you could still see the white shirt underneath.

I went downstairs quickly shoved a piece of toast in my mouth pulled my converse on and walked out the door.


When I got to school I was over whelmed there was so many students squeezed into the small hall way already scurrying off to classes. I was on my way to the office to get my class schedule when i saw the most breautiful thing in the world. She was perfect, amazing but most of all she was beautiful i couldnt take my eyes off her i tryed to turn away but i couldnt i found my self just inches away from her as i passed her.

Then i was snapped out of my trance when some dude wearing a varsity jacket came over pushed her into the lockers and screamed "Dyke." 

What the fuck was his problem???? i thought to myself as i bent down beside her to help he pick up her books. She looked up and i was entranced by her amazingly beautiful brown eyes i was studying her facial features her glossy pink lips, her wavy brown hair, her cute little nose and last but sertainly not least her amazing brown eyes.

"A-are you ok?" i said still suprised at what just happened. She stood up and i immediatly followed, my hight towering over her, she wasnt looking up just staring down at her feet or her shoes. "" i laughed at how nervous she sounded cause there was really nothing to be nervous about. "i.... im fine." she finally said. Her voice was like an angels i couldnt help but smile when i heard it.

But she still wouldnt look up, to tell the truth i just wanted to get lost in her big brown eyes again. "thanks." said sweetly before practically running off to her locker. "wait." i screamed i really didnt want her to go i mean i didnt even know her name.


It was sixth period and i havnt seen 'her' meaning the girl in the hallway all day i sighed as i walked into the class room. but straight away somthing or should i say someone caught my attention. As i made my way to the back of the room and sat down i was just staring at her she looked kinda sad and i didnt like it. she was just staring out the window like she was thinking something when the teacher asked "Ally would you like to complete this equation?"

So thats her name, Ally 

she didnt answer cause clearly she wasnt listening but then the teacher went right in front of her desk "Miss fletcher?" she asked sternly. 'Ally' snapped out of it and looked at the teacher startled. "y-yes m-miss?" she stuttered "would you like to complete the equation on the board?" she said gesturing towards the white board. when ally made it to the front of the room and started to explain i was just staring at her although i dont think she saw me here. "Dyke." i heard the same douche as this morning scream at her, and the whole class just laughed.

Miss jenkins quickly spun around. "Who was that?" she screamed of course nobody anwswered but right then ally ran out of the class the look on her face was full of hurt she looked like she was gonna cry.

why would she let what they say get to her like that?

Then he laughed and evrybody just sat there like nothing ever happened i on the other hand couldnt handle it i lunged at him and started beating the crap out of him, with every punch he would scream for his mummy. He was crying and i realised i just completly zoned out but when i looked up everyone was staring at me with there mouths wide open. i then looked down at the guy i just beat up and there was blood dripping from his mouth and bruises all over his face. "Mr holden, get off of him now!" the teacher screamed probably for the tenth time.

i just ran out of the class and towards my new house here in Bay View. But when i was at the end of my street i thought i saw someone sitting on a swing at the abandoned park the back of her looked so much like ally and the way she was sitting told me she was really sad. Her long silky hair fell to her lower back and was bleached at the ends. i went over and sat beside her she jumped when she heard me and to my surprise it was ally.

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