Change my mind (Chpt 3)

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When i woke up i pushed the covers off my body and ran into the bathroom to take a long shower atemting to wash off the memories of last night. i was in the shower for a while before i looked at the time. "shit." i cursed while turning off the water and getting out of the shower. 

I quickly slipped on my soft cream stockings, my lipsy 50's floral prom dress, studded denim jacket and my friis & company boots and ran down the stairs not bothering to say goodbye to my mum. My step-father always left before i got up in the morning so i could go off to school without worrying about him. 

I grabbed my american west leather backpack and ran out the door, very aware that i was running late to school. 

"Need a ride." i heard a voice call from the road next to me. I quickly turned my head looking at nate in disbelief. "No im fine thanks." i muttered but i hoped he didnt leave it at that because i really wanted a ride actually i needed a ride.

"Come on just get in." this time i didnt object i just climbed into the passengers seat. "thanks." i mumbled. When i got in nate was staring at me with the widest grin ive ever seen. he pulled out from the curb and started to drive.

i didnt realise but now i was the one staring at him taking in his chisled features and sprkling blue eyes. When he turned to look at me just for a second before looking back at the road and saw a big purple bruise on the other side of my face from where my step-father had slapped me his smile dropped imediatly and he looked like he was about to cry. "shit i forgot my make-up." i wispered to my self but he heard and just turned the car around heading back home.

"Are you ok." he asked finally braking the silence that had fallen as we made our way back to my house.

"im fine." i sighed remembeing what happened last night and how i knew it would happen again that night i cringed at the thought and looked back at nate who kept turning his head to look at me then turning back to the road, sympathy filled his eyes. I imiediatly look away staring out the window. it looked like he almost cared but no, he couldnt nobody cared about me not since my dad died anyway, even my own mum did nothing to save me from the mosnster she married, when he came to take a little more of my inocence every night.

 "W-what happened last night?" he asked nervously. "i- i -uh -nothing." i answered trying to hold back the tears. to my surprise he didnt ask again and i was so glad i knew if he asked agin i wouldnt be able to hold the tears in anymore he just sat there looking at the road ahead. when he pulled out the front of my house i sighed, i didnt get out i didnt want to go back into that place, infact i never wanted to go back there again.

Nate looked at me and then turned the key again bringing the car back to life as he sped off down the street. i didnt know what he was doing i was just gratefull that he didnt make me go inside. "W-where are we going." i finally asked as we turned around yet another corner. 

"How about we skip school today." he said as more of a statment that a question and i snapped my head in his direction. "but- but wont you get in trouble." i asked curiously.

he just shook his head and shrugged. "Anyway that still doesnt answer my question. where are we going?" i asked trying to sound more demanding. "your cute when you try to sound demanding." he said and i knew that my cheeks blushed scarlet red i glared at him with a 'just shut up and answer the question' look.

"You'll see." he replied with a grin from ear to ear.



I ran out of my house grabbing my keys on the way. i jumped in the car and the first thing i saw was a beautiful girl walking -well running- along the side walk. "Need a ride?" i asked as i pulled over next to ally. "no im fine thanks." she said looking back down to the floor. "Come on, just get in." i said as i leaned over to open the passenger door. When she got in the car i grinned patting myself on the back for getting her in my car, i wanted to make sure she got to school safe.

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