That mood you're in When every single thing you do wrong makes you wanna break down and cry. You'd wanna call yourself pathetic and a sack of crap. I have those moments. Anyone else?
I hate when someone make your day miserable. You're just minding your own business when someone walks up. Y'all talk and he/she realizes you are acting down and sad. They ask if you are okay. You say you are fine even though you feel like you're about to break down.
Anyone one else have those moments when you just don't want to explain why? I do. I don't want anyone to know how much this hurts me... They could use this against me. I like to hide my feelings away from people... Sometimes it's bad for you to hold in your feelings. Well... Most of the time. For me it's a habit.
How about when you are with a group of friends. And your day hasn't been so good.. Have you fake smiled to them? Have you ever felt like you were the least important person in that group right now. You felt like if you were to leave that nothing would Change. I know I have felt that way more than I expect... It's like..
Emotionally- i'm done
Mentally- i'm drained
Spiritually- I feel .dead
Physically- I smile
[ Authors note: Just heads up.. When i'm down I write down my feelings like so... And it cheers me up its better than cutting. I get to express my feelings and I post it on here. So people can read how I feel. There will be critics but who cares what they say? It's your feelings your darkness your say so ]