Dare: Watch Smosh's 'JAPANESE TITANIC'

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Admin: *crying so hard* I remember that video

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Admin: *crying so hard* I remember that video... LAST WATCHED IT 3 YEARS AGO... I FEEL SOOO AAAAHHH NOSTALGIIICCC 

Me: *pats Admin on the back* Okay, admin. We know. Anyway...


Countries: ...*watching the video*


Romano: Wtf is this? SHAKESPEARE??

England: I don't think so.

Japan: I do speak that Engrish terribre rearry?

Countries: ...*looks at Japan*

Japan: GOMEN. I MEAN "Do I rearry (really) speak Engrish (English) that terribre (terrible)?"

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