Chapter 3: Stay with Me

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Katniss's POV


The only name, the only thought that swirled through my head as I pulled the trigger.  The only person who my death would impact, the only one I still loved.  It's hard to keep living when the only reason you were living for is dead.  Primrose was my oxygen, and without her I can't breathe, I can't live.  I opened my eyes to look at the sleeping boy to my right. He was sitting in a chair, his head resting on my bed, his fingers laced with mine.  I felt a pang of guilt as I looked at him.  I was his oxygen, his reason for living and I never even realized it until today.  At one point he was my oxygen, maybe he still is, but I haven't had his love in a long time.  Maybe I hadn't realized it through the grief of Prim's death.  When I pulled that trigger it was my last cry for help, my last cry for his love.  I knew we weren't together and him being here was just Peeta being the caring Peeta he is.  But I made myself believe he was here because he loves me. 

A loud knock on the door tore me away from my thoughts. Peeta sat up with a jolt, and he inspected me to make sure I was ok.  The doctor burst through the door followed by Haymitch and Effie.  The doctor spoke as soon as he had the chance. He went on to tell me how I was suffering from severe depression, like I didn't already know.  I have to attend therapy twice a week and I will no longer be able to live by myself. He spoke with little emotion and briskly, almost as if he didn't care.

"I will leave you to figure out the living arrangements." He said walking out and shutting the door behind him.

Haymitch and Effie moved closer to my bed, there hands still intertwined.

"She can live with me." Peeta blurted out, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room.

"But Peeta my dear--" Effie started, but struggled to finish her sentence.

"What if you have an episode." Haymitch finished for her.

"I won't." Peeta said firmly, as if he was trying to convince himself.

He was so brave, so noble in that moment. His blue eyes finally found mine, they were steady, yet gentle.

"Why don't you both just come live with us." Effie said.

"Then we will be able to keep an eye on both of you." Haymitch finished.

A burst of joy spread though me, spending every night with Peeta is something I had only dreamed about. 

"Sounds like a plan." Peeta said giving my hand a small squeeze.


"Oh no Ms Everdeen I thought we promised not to lie to each other." President Snow whispered in my ear.

Peeta, Prim and Gale were kneeling before me. They had handcuffs restraining them and peacekeepers next to them with guns pointed at they're heads.

"So Ms. Everdeen, were you or were you not part of the rebel plan." He snarled.

I knew any answer was the wrong answer.

"I was." I blurted out.

"Well then." He said and motioned to the peacekeeper behind Gale.

"No please don't!" I begged.

Gale looked at me with pleading eyes begging for me to help him but I couldn't.  A gunshot filled the room, and I watched the life escape Gale's grey eyes.

"Did you or did you not shot an arrow into the force field that started a rebellion." He said with evil in his eyes and a smirk on his lips.

"I didn't." I whispered, hoping that lying might be beneficial.

"Don't lie Ms. Everdeen." He added and motioned to the peacekeeper behind Prim.

"Katniss please help me!" She begged as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Please!" She yelled, but she was cut off by a gunshot. 

Sobs ran through my body, heavy sobs to the point were I could breath. I couldn't save her.

"Ok Ms. Everdeen, one last question." He shouted over my sobs.

My eyes wandered to Peeta, my boy with the bread. He connected his eyes with mine as if to tell me it's ok.

"Did you or did you not kill President Coin." He slithered.

"I did." I whispered through sobs, I looked up at his disgusting face waiting for his answer.

"Wrong answer." He whispered with an evil grin and a gunshot filled the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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