Subaru Sakamaki • ℓoѕт •

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"Just leave me alone!" (Name) clamored, minimally adding "numskull...." in the end.

"Oh look the little fag can speak.." One of them said, mockingly. A hideous smirk smothered on his face. That ignited the fury in her, but it wasn't enough for three towering bullies.

The second one ticked his tongue,"But doesn't know how to speak to her superiors!",He said, his tone bitter.

While gripping her head and jerking her towards the brick wall, sending excruciating pain down her head. She yelped in agony, wishing a miracle would happen, while she averted her gaze to the ground, trying to conceal the tortured tears, attempting to escape. No one seemed to one even looked in their direction. The evil grin soon faded from their faces, when they heard a stern voice behind them.

"Leave her alone!" It said. Her eyes widened, full of hope and astonishment, She turned her head towards the source of voice and saw a man with silver, purplish and shaggy locks, hiding one of his crimson red eyes. His pale features held a serious expression. He wore a black jacket with a red shirt underneath which had a brown belt around it. The ends of the red shirt appear to be shredded. And below he wore black jeans. And on his neck, a necklace that is wrapped twice, with a golden or bronze colored key on it.

His hands were balled into fists, his red orbs staring daggers at them. The idiots soon turned their attention off (Name), and sprinted out of the ally, scared and terrified. He slightly smirked, while his eyes chased them, his back was turned to the girl. (Name) was so much grateful, she propped up, trying to obtain her balance, the pain still throbbing, she clutched her head, trying not let out any sorts of yelps. She stiffly inhaled the chilly air, attempting to repose the pain, and finally opened her mouth to speak ,

"T-Thank you so much..." She paused."Wha-what's your name?".

He turned towards her, his arms resting on his chest. He stared at her, maybe observing her, before speaking "Subaru Sakamaki", that name, she repeated it in her mind.

"My name is...(Name)." She said smilingly. He simply nodded, and without another word he began to walk towards the other direction. (Name) inquisitively, but soundlessly followed him.

In mid-way, between the congested streets on Japan, she kept trailing behind the Albino. Her orbs never leaving his figure. But, what went wrong? He suddenly disappeared, she was sure, she kept her eyes on him all the time. She searched for Subaru, in the crowded street, there was no sign of him. She was even more curious now, that she started to ask for him around.

"Do you know Subaru Sakamaki? White-haired?" She asked an old man sitting in a small street market. The old man, flinched at his name. But, nodded.

"Do-do you know where he lives?" She questioned, hopefully, with enough enthusiasm in her tone.

"Why would you want to know that?!" The old man declared.

"Some reason.." She pursued her lips, while shrugging. Not wanting to answer.

"Please...I need to know!" She uttered suddenly. The old man paused for a moment and inhaled deeply.

"Fine, but I'm warning you!" She nodded, completely ignoring the old man's warning, She was a stubborn girl.

"He lives in a mansion, faraway from the people." Well that wasn't much help. He lives in a mansion, eh? Must be rich. (Name) chortled to herself. May fate bring him to meet her again... She gave up and walked home, replaying the scene from earlier, again and again in her mind, Her handsome saviour...~

(Name) strolled the clean pavement of the park, today was a warm sunny day. Some rays of sunshine fell upon her from the capacity between the enormous tree branches. Her (H/C) hair, drifted soothingly with the wind. Her dress gracefully falling to her knees, with bliss.
She held a small basket in her hand, filled with red roses, that reminded her of the Albino's eyes, she wondered of when she would meet him again.

She was favorably delighted to see the white-haired boy again, that she jumped up and down with joy and excitement. She prevented not to tackle him to the ground. His face was turned towards the small lake between the park. A scarlet blush crept up to her pale cheeks, as she promenaded towards him. She gave a small pat on his shoulder, which was adequate to catch his attention.

"Hello again!" She uttered in a joyful tone. "(Name)...?" His voice made her heart flutter, he remembered her name, how sweet!
She simply nodded, with a kind smile formed on her moist lips. "S-Subaru-kun~" Without thinking, she jerked the small basket, full of cardinal roses towards him.

"A thank you gift!" She said. He did accept it, but hesitantly, am I that bad? (Name) thought."Your life will be at risk, if you cling on to me.." He averted his head to his right, gazing at the horizon. She didn't believe a word he uttered. Not when he stole her heart.
She just stood there, before letting out a small laugh. "No it won't be! You saved me yesterday..." She said, hopefully. He clicked his tongue, before sighing.
Ahhhhh~ He is a loner type, no worries he'll probably open up soon. (Name) hoped so.

Day after day, she attempted to unlock him. (Name) questioned him, about his favors, his hobbies.
Sometimes, it was a little annoying but, eventually, they got closer.

The night was young, the stars twinkled brightly in the night-sky. The grass was soft, as she dug her hands into it. The wind slightly whistled in their ears.
(Name) exhaled, resting her head on the Albino's shoulder, the small smile never left her ruby lips. She felt satisfied, carefree and contended. He was a blessing in her life. "Can I tell you something?" He said breaking the tranquil silence.
"Hmm?" She gazed at him with a questioning look.

Subaru slowly slanted closer to her ear and whispered the utmost unusual thing, She almost laughed her butt off.

"Never knew you could be so childish Subaru-kun~" She cooed, modestly poking his nose, with her index finger.

"You're not a vampire!" She giggled, while Subaru's pallid expression was serious."I am" He uttered suddenly, extending his mouth to reveal razor-sharp fangs.
The smile on her face dwindled. It was difficult to digest the fact, that Subaru was a blood-sucking vampire. He must have committed countless murders in his past.

But, she was so close to him. It's pretty much impossible to let go of the feeling she held for him inside....
Without any hesitation, she accepted.

She felt a convulsion run down her spine as she felt his freezing hands stroke against her neck. She gasped as his wet tongue flicked against her neck, moistening the area.
Her eyes were half-lidded, as her orbs periodically rolled up, she shivered with pleasure. His eyes met hers, asking her a silent question. She gave a slight nod of approval, as she was unable to do any more from his devoted treatment. Subaru placed his cold lips against hers, exploring her whole, not leaving a morsel untouched, while moans of pleasure escaped her lips.
He pulled out, a small, nearly invisible line of saliva connecting their lips. He once again set his mouth onto her neck
(Name) felt him withdraw, and moaned quietly at the absence of that clever tongue. Then a sharp sensation shook her from her pleasurable haze as it threw her into the paroxysm of surpassing unmodified bliss.
His razor teeth teared through the wet skin without opposition, penetrating deep into the flesh of her neck as they pierce through the thin blood vessels, Her precious liquid, infiltrating his lips. As the scarlet fluid flicked onto his tongue, he moaned along with her as he secured onto the wound with his entire mouth and began to greedily swill upon it.
His flickering tongue kept the wound from clotting over. Even as he tasted her, he knew it was never enough.
He would always need more.

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