Kanato Sakamaki • ɨɲȿąɲɨƮ¥ •

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(Name)'s constant squirming, made both the male nurses grip her upper arms more rigidly. Her locks hung loose in-front of her eyes, which were swollen from continuous weeping. Her arms were unable to move about, as to white belts were neatly tied around her upper body. She wore a white dress, that fell down til her knees, vaguely. Which allowed her legs to thrash and kick around to get out of their harsh grip, but it was in vain.

The nurses tossed her onto the pallid leather carpet, in an average-sized room, with white walls, a small window, through which the last rays of sunshine were peering.
"I-I didn't do it! I'm not crazy!" (Name) exclaimed between loud sobs.They just ignored her and walked out, closing the hefty door behind them.

(Name) kept mewling and squalling, completely unaware of a presence behind her. A slight sound of shuffling, caught her attention, which caused her to stop and widen her (e/c) eyes. She averted her head to the source, to find a boy, sitting in the corner, with childish like appearance. He possessed lilac colored locks, that ended down his neck. His eyes were a color similar to his hair, which seemed to be filled with insanity. However, his mouth was covered with a tight mask, tied around his head, for somewhat reason, (Name) didn't know. He was too wearing a straitjacket. His orbs directly stared into hers. His condition, created an uneasy feeling in her. So many questions ran through her head, why is he wearing that mask? what is his mental case? why does she have to share the room with him? She'll find out...soon enough.

The boy's name was Kanato. Even though that mask was always tied around his head, he could speak, but she had to listen closely. He told her his age, his birthday, how his little teddy was taken away from him, he'd always get angry. How rude? She'd nod in approval. He never told the reason why he was in this asylum. She liked her roommate, they held very much in common. They both were insanely attractive and insanely smart.
The asylum staff were very cruel, couldn't handle a little talking, could they? They'd shift either Kanato or (Name) from room to room in one night, one hour after hour, they'd always disturb their sleep.

Locked her in here, just because they found (Name) standing outside her house, enveloped in flickering, orange flames, with a lighter in her hand. They'd question her, but she was always quiet. Why? It was none of their business.

The walls whispered to her, they laughed at her misery. She just wanted freedom, that's all, was that bad?
The sounds of the alarms blaring, woke her up from her slumber, she jolted up from the bed, it was dark, the only light was the moon that emitted it's calm glow from the cellar window, too high to reach up. Kanato was standing at the doorway, which was wide open, the blaring of the alarms still ringed in her ears. Kanato was holding a small teddy, with his other hand extended towards (Name), who stood there in utter shock. Without doubt, she took his hand, and they both sprinted through the long, narrow corridors, the scary thing was, there were corpses all around.

"I did this all for you (Name)" He spoke, with a glint of excitement in his eyes, and that childish smile, plastered on his face.

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