Chapter 5

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Ahh shit here we go, it's 3:00am
And I'm hyped on caffeine and confidence!!

The next morning
As the cool summer air blows in through the open window brushing on a sleeping Canadians face making his nose twitch. As the wind ceases the very same man blearily opens his eyes looking around,while he does his dark eyes land on the other occupant in the bed and yesterday's events play out in his head a sigh is heard from Evan as he rubs his face and peels himself away from the comforts of the bed. Stretching and letting out a quiet yawn he stumbles to the bathroom connected to the room to do his business and take a well needed shower to wash away the stress.

As the shower starts and Evan enters is when the other man wakes from his sleep,also rubbing the sleep from his eyes while yawning
Questioning where the warmth went he hears the distinctive pitter patter of water hitting tile. Must be showering. As he breaks from his thoughts Johnathan looks up to see Evan wearing nothing but a towel and his body glistening fighting the urge to stare he looks away a light blush on his face
"Oh your up? I thought you would've been sleeping still." Evan says " yeah, I woke up on my own."  he turns to get dressed as I stare at my lap."Well I'm finished." I look up "I think I'm gonna shower too and then head down." I say Evan nods drying his hair as he leaves downstairs.
(Smol time skip to the shower)
As I am showering a song hits me and I start from humming to singing it

I wrote a song, a journal
Gave it to the world
Told the story
Of when I was just a girl

I sought understanding
Clarity in truth
By baring all the wounds
Inflicted on my youth

You criticized my choice
To stand up to my past
To give the pain a voice
So that it too could pass

But I felt brave
And filled with pride as I let go
Of bitterness that wouldn’t leave or let me grow

And I will spend a lifetime
Trying to understand
Why someone sharing my bloodline
Would not lend me their hand
As I was singing I felt someone come into the bathroom as I opened the shower door I saw No one so I quickly finished my shower and exited wrapping a towel around myself I exited the bathroom to be met by Evan on his phone.
"Jesus man I thought You were a murderer." he looks up at me with a spaced out look but knocks out of it and smiles and throws me a shirt "I hope you like pancakes." is all he says as I get dressed and we laugh our way downstairs.

So like I procrastinated way to f[][]king much
But hopefully you enjoyed

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