Chapter 7

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Mrs. Tzajke opened the door wearing an expression of mild surprise. "The Sheriff. My goodness, what have I done to offend the law." The statement was delivered with good humour, and she invited Brian inside. Decorating the hall had taken most of the afternoon, and until a few more volunteers showed up, Brian couldn't get away. Now he was following up his curiosity with a visit to Wendy's mom.

"Nothing that I'm aware of Mrs. Tezzjk- Taja—"

"It's pronounced 'Shake', Sheriff. Everybody has trouble. Just call me Carol, it'll be a lot easier."

"Sorry. Uhmm, Jenny Asaki told me that you and Wendy saw a car in Gough's drive last week... before uhmm..."

"Oh, yes. We did. Is something wrong?" She pointed to a chair and sat opposite him.

"Can you describe the car?"

"Gee, I don't know... I'm not much good at cars; they all look the same to me. I know it was a dark colour, maybe blue or black."

"What about the driver?"

She began to blush and held one hand to her neck. "Sheriff your—"

"Please, call me Brian." He nodded pleasantly.

"Brian then. You're going to think I'm an absolute airhead. I really didn't pay that much attention. I know he wore a long coat." She added, hopefully.

"Was he tall, short? Fat? Thin?"

"She blushed again. "I'm sorry Brian, I just do not remember."

"Would Wendy?"

"Oh no, Wendy was still in the car, she only knows what I told her."

He considered her for a moment. "Still in the car? You got out then, did you?"

"Ahh, actually yes. I uh- I was curious I suppose. You don't see many visitors to the Gough place." She twisted her wedding band nervously.

"Yet you ahh, can't describe the driver or the car." It was a statement not a question and Carol just looked back at him, lip trembling. "Look, Carol, I'm just trying to find out what happened to Mr. Gough, I'm not trying to put anybody on the spot here. Is something wrong? Something you're not telling me?"

She took a tissue from her pocket and wiped at her eyes. "Brian I- I... Oh, god this is so- so embarrassing..." Brian squirmed on the chair wondering what can of worms he might have opened. "The reason- Brian, I'm having an affair with- with... someone in town." She stopped and sighed deeply, crunching the tissue in her hands.

"Wendy wasn't with me at the time, I told her that it was a- a joke- a Halloween joke we were going to play on her father- oh, god..." Brian gaped, completely nonplussed at her revelation. "I was late picking her up and I used it as an excuse."

"But you did see someone...?" He asked, recovering slowly.

"Oh yes! My- the person I was with- we were parked on the lane leading up to his driveway."

Brian felt she answered too quickly. She hung her head then looked up with a helpless pleading in her eyes. "Does this- do you have to say anything?"

"Is everything else true, about the description and all?"

Her head bobbed frantically as she swore on her honour, an oath Brian accepted with a modicum of skepticism. "What about your uhm, friend? Could he add anything to this?" She looked horrified, her mouth opening and closing in silent protest.

"I guess not." He stood up and stared down at the shaken woman. "Look, Carol. This doesn't leave here. There is no official report or anything. I was just doing some extra snooping. I didn't mean to- to..."

"It's my own damn fault, Brian. If Erik finds out, well... it's my own damn fault."

Brian took her hand and squeezed. "He won't find out from me, Carol, guaranteed. Okay?"

"Thank you."


Janet opened the door and backed away with a dramatic sweep of her hand. "Enter my prince and kudos for being right on time." She left him to close the door and returned to the kitchen. "White or red?"

"Red please," he answered, flopping on her couch unceremoniously. "It'll match my mood."

She breezed back into the living room with two glasses of wine and plunked herself down beside him, shoving his knee out of the way. "Did my poor soldier have a rough day?" She pouted.

"Rougher than some." He gulped his drink.

"Hey! That's expensive stuff, you don't chug-a-lug expensive wine." A pause. "What happened?"

"I can't tell you. I'd have to kill you." He drained his glass and held it out to her.

"Of course you would, my hero, and I wouldn't expect anything less. So before I die, tell me what's wrong."

"It's not for publication," he said, accepting his second glass with a promise to sip slowly. "I'm trusting you with this Jan, no fooling, this is serious."

"Okay." She nestled into the couch cushions.

Brian recounted his afternoon and finished with his solemn promise to Carol. "So now you know I can't be trusted with a secret." He said ruefully.

She gazed at him, smirking. "The only part of that secret I didn't know was that her name is pronounced, 'Shake'. I've always called her 'Chake'".


"Brian! I'm the town hairdresser. I'm the same as a priest or psychiatrist to these women for god's sake. You wouldn't believe some of the things they tell me."

"Women actually tell you about- about their affairs?"

"Oooohh!" She made a scary wail, wiggling her fingers. "It's not government classified, Brian. Women tell one another all kinds of stuff. I don't know who the other person is in this case, but I know it's been going on for a while."

He gulped the rest of his wine, ignoring her frown. "So then ahh- do you reciprocate?"

"Well I don't go as far as telling anybody about the tattoo on your—"

"JANET! Jesus Christ!" He set his glass on the side table and grabbed her arms. "Now I am going to have to kill you!" They tussled on the couch, laughing and grunting in mock battle, finally slipping onto the floor between the table and the couch with Janet winding up on top. "Too fast on the draw for ya, eh, Sheriff?" She said in a hokey western voice.

"Aah, but I've already got my hands full," he said, squeezing her bottom.

"Filthy swine." She flattened herself on top of him, lips pressed firmly against his.

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