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Authors note

There is no picture because no matter how many times I tried I can't find a jpg or png one. SO I got fed up and will post a pic here.

 SO I got fed up and will post a pic here

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Another has Castiel walking with Jasper. Jasper my enemy.. Jasper the one who helped Roman torture me. The demon I nearly killed. I hunch over the sink and splash water on my face. "No..." I whisper trying to tell myself that it's not real. I look to the mirror and watch my reflection than see the time in the background from the clock. It's 9:00 o'clock at night.

I sigh and walk to the kitchen. Inside I find Kevin. "It's getting late you better get some sleep." I warn. He nods and heads to his room. I grab some 'Apple juice' and beer than go to my room. I stuff the fridge with the six pack and the large container of brandy. I take one beer and turn on the tv finding Netflix. Yay. I watch some shows but become sleepy. I refuse to sleep so I go into the library. I find a book and start reading. I look at the time seeing it's only 3 in the morning. Ugh the nights going by so slowly. More books and drinks and finally it's morning. I eat a toaster waffle for breakfast and realize we need to go to the store. Kevin's not up so I write a note, "Kevin, Off to the store will be back soon. ~Angelina" I leave it on the table and grab my wallet before going out. I take a car from the garage.

I head to the nearest town. After slipping on my jacket I get out and go in Walmart. Not many people are there this early. I grab many different foods varying from meat to dairy. I also get more drinks seeing as I'll need them. My phone dings. I grab it and find an unknown number,

'Hey it's Sam, How's it going?' ~Sam

'Good, how bout you?" ~Angel

'On our way home now.'~Sam

'Great, how'd you get my number anyways?'~Angel

'I got on your phone while you were asleep the other night.'~Sam

'okay you could've just asked you know.'~Angel

''That's not as fun now is it?'~Sam

'I guess not.'~Angel

'How's Kevin?'~Sam

'Pretty good as I could tell when I left he was still asleep.'~Angel


'I'm at the store.'~Angel

'Oh well see ya soon bye.'~Sam


I went to the checkout and paid for everything. My excuse for the loads of alcohol was I was having a party. When I got back the boys were there. Sam helped unload all the bags. Inside I put them away and met them in the library. "So how was the case?" I asked trying to act like I wasn't going to pass out due to the lack of sleep. "Simple milk run. Two werewolves both new to it." Dean replied. I nodded.

~three weeks later~

I kept having the visions of Jasper and Castiel. I still refuse to sleep and the boys are getting worried just great. Every night is either in the 'Flight Room' which is the room I fitted just for me to fly or trying reading books while getting drunk.

I walk down the hall carrying my phone and earbuds. It's midnight and I was getting tired of watching Tv. I played my songs and flew through the course with ease while working on new tricks. I saw Castiel at the doors. I blinked but he was gone. Now even I'm getting worried that i'm going insane. Hours on end I work my wings trying to rid of the memories.

At the end of the fifth song I stopped and tried landing. I landed on my knees. I wanted so badly to get rid of the visions and nightmares. I just wanted it to end. The doors opened. I let out the raspy deep breaths and didn't even dare to look up. "Angel?" I heard Sam's voice. I froze. "What's wrong?" He walked over a bit rushed. I sat on my heels and rested my hands in my lap. "Nothing Sam." I put on a fake smile. I stretched each wing as feathers fell off. He kneeled down. "Don't lie." He said. I looked up. My eyes were lifeless and drained of all joy and energy. "I'm fine really." I replied getting up with a familiar soreness.

I walked to the table by the door that held my many drinks and my phone. Sam followed, "Are you still having Nightmares?" He asked worried. I turned to him holding my drink. "I-" I sighed. "I don't, because I don't sleep anymore." I looked down embarrassed. I expected a lecture or something among the lines of 'that's not good for you' but to my surprise I was wrapped in a hug. Slowly I returned the gesture while putting down the drink.

"You need sleep." he said. "I know." I replied, "But now there's visions too." I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I remembered them. He just kept me in place against his chest, "I'm so sorry." He whispered into my hair. After a few minutes he picked me up. My body suddenly felt drowsy and I felt the soreness again. I was drunk from lack of sleep and alcohol. "Where we going?" I asked leaning on his chest. He was carrying me bridal style. "You're going to bed." He said with a smirk. "But the nightmares." I argued. "I'll protect you." he replied turning into the hall.

I was put in my very comfy bed. Sam started to walk away. "Sam." I yawned. "Yeah?" He questioned. "Please don't go... I need you." I reached my hand out. I was already half asleep. I saw the smile on his face as he walked over and slipped into the bed. He faced the other way but I felt safer with him here. Slowly I fell into a dreamless sleep. 

Authors note

YAY I'm/you are past the half way point but... now. WAIT no spoilers. I really hope you like it! Love ya'll! ~CW2 <3

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