Cas is back

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I opened my eyes slowly. I felt an arm around my waist and a breathing on my neck. I knew it was Sam. I turned and looked at him. Some of his hair was in his face and he snored a little. I smiled at the sight. He opened his brown eyes and smiled sleepily, "Morning Angel." He said. "Good Morning." I said. he kissed my forehead and got up. Sam grabbed his pants and slipped them on. I sat up and held the blankets to my chest.

"I'll be right back." he nodded to me. When he closed the door I got dressed. I decided to be lazy today and grabbed some sweatpants and a tee. I showered and dressed as usual. There was a knock on the door. I was putting my hair up. "Come in." I called. Sam entered and said, "Hey." I looked over and smiled, "Hello Samuel." I said in a silk like voice. He chuckled and took the hair from my hands. "If you do my hair I get to do yours." I warned. "I'll take my chances." He finished. I grabbed a hair tie. "Sit down i'm short." I ordered cheerfully. He sat on the bed, immediately I worked on his hair. When I finished he had a man bun. "Ta-DA!" I said. He laughed at the sight.

Sam stood and said, "You hungry?" "Yeah what's for breakfast?" I asked leading the way to the kitchen. "Whatever you want." He said. I skipped there making my wings flutter a bit. Sam sat in the library. I made toast. I bought him his coffee and out toast. I don't have enough hands to carry to plate while carrying two drinks also. "Thanks." He was texting Dean. Sam frowned. "Whats wrong?" I asked. "Dean needs help with the case." Sam sighed. "It's okay I'll stay. I promise." I took a bite of the food. "And your nightmares?" He questioned. "I'll be fine until you get back." I smirked. He smiled lightly. "Okay." He got up and went to his room to get ready.

I grabbed a random book and read. "Bye Angel." Sam said. "Be careful please." I said. "Will do." Sam waved off and left. I went to my room and watched 'Being human.' This went on for a long time until I heard my stomach making dying whale noises. "I guess I should get something to eat." I sat up and paused it. Inside the kitchen I threw away my chip bag and grabbed some beer and a left over hamburger. I sat in the control room. It was quiet, and I don't like quiet. I started humming a tune. I kept humming and sooner or later I started dancing. Suddenly there was a bang. I stopped in my tracks and turned to see the boys stumbling down the stair. I looked at them confused. "Well now that, that's done." Dean threw his bag on the table. Sam clutched his side. That's when I noticed the blood. Sam sat down.

I ran to the kitchen and grab stuff to clean their wounds and stitch them up. I came back and Dean had left. "How bad is it Sam?" I asked. "Not too bad." He said. I walked over and kneeled beside him as he sat in a chair. I lifted the shirt revealing a pretty good sized gash by his hip. "How did this happen?" I asked and poured some alcohol on the rag and started cleaning the wound. Sam winced, "Ghost attacked us and got me in the side." He replied. I grabbed the needle and thread and started stitching. After I finished I looked up at him. "All better?" I asked. "Almost." Sam looked down with a cheesy grin. I rolled my eyes, "You heal first then maybe." I stood. Sam pouted. I cleaned the mess and washed the blood off my hands.

I turned and saw Castiel again but he was much cleaner than usual. "Cassie?" I questioned in disbelief. "Yes Angel?" He asked. "Are you really here?" I poked him. "Yes why wouldn't I be?" He looked confused. I shook my head. Dean walked in, "Oh yeah, Cas is back." Dean smiled at me before looking the fridge. "Thanks for the warning." I said sarcastically. "Your welcome." He smirked. I poked my tongue out even though he wouldn't see it. "So Angel, What did you and Sam do when I was gone?" Dean asked. "Stuff." I replied. "What kinda stuff." He asked like a child. "Adult stuff." I walked passed to the library. Dean looked impressed.

I sat in a chair and took Sam's laptop. Sam and Dean talked. I decide to look up some stuff about Jasper and see if he's still out there. When I type it into the search bar nothing comes up. Like he's been erased from the world. "I'm going to get food." Sam stated. I could tell he was annoyed with Dean and Cassie. I put the laptop away.

"What time is it?" I asked. "10:00." Dean said. "I'm going to bed." I got up tired. He said, "Night." "Night." I waved. I changed and got in bed.


"Marcy?" I heard Bobby's voice. "Who's Marcy?" I asked. "You. That's your real name." He gestured for me to sit down. I realized then that I was in his library again. "Where am I?" I asked. "My heaven." He replied taking a sip of whiskey. "How- you know what I don't want to know." I shook my head and sat. He smirked, "Good idea." He looked down as if thinking about what to say. "Whats wrong?" I questioned trying to get his attention. He sighed, "Nothing good." "What is it?" I sat up ready for some terrible news. "That kid, Jasper, he's up to no good." "What's he doing?!" I nearly shouted. Bobby said. "Just keep a lookout kay?" He looked up. "And make sure them boys don't get into too much trouble." He growled at the thought. Now it was my turn to smirk. "Wish me luck." I waved off before remembering Jasper. "Wait what about Jasper!" I yelled as I was pulled away.

I was in a field. "Crap!" I kicked a rock. "Owe! Not a good Idea!" I yelled and held my foot. A noise

stopped me. I put my foot down and turned. Nothing. "I have a feeling i'm not alone." I said. I checked my waistband. Thank god for guns. I went to open my wings but all that came was pain. I reached back. They were gone cut off to the bone. The pain was indescribable. I heard footsteps? "Sam?" I asked hopeful. "Much better Birdie." I heard the venom like voice. "Jasper.." I looked at him with anger.

Then I saw him Castiel and Dean behind him. "What have you done to them?!" I growled. "Nothing they're just willing to kill you after all you killed Sam." He circled around me. "What!? I-I would never!" I screamed. Dean stepped forward, "I watched you." I backed up scared. Then I remembered the other dream. "Angel!" I heard Sam's voice. "Angel!" Jasper glared at me with black eyes as everything blurred out.

"Angel!" Sam shook me. I sat up breathing heavily. I stared at the wall trying to calm down. "Angel are you okay?" Sam asked again. I looked at him. Sam was half laying down half sitting in bed. "Yeah." I managed to say. He watched worried. "I'm going to get a drink." I said and kissed his forehead. He nodded and laid back down, "I'll still be here." He yawned. I got out of the covers and went into the kitchen. The floor felt like ice under my bare feet. I let my wings drag out behind me. 

Authors note

HI. So yeah Bobby figured out a way to tell Angel some stuff.  AND Castiel is Back YAY. I was planning on posting this later after school but who cares. Hope you like it! Love ya'll ~CS2 <3

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