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Wait.what's the first thought cracking up on your mind after reading the word "Hacking"?I bet its crime,criminal activities,fraud,theft,etc.This is a misconception,a big one in fact. Hacking has been a major subject in the IT industry over the last few years over increasing security.Hacking can be ethical or not.Ethical hacking is basically penetrating into a system with the consent of the owner to exploit weaknesses in the security for improving them later on.Ethical Hacking for this reason is also known as penetration testing.Now like any other thing hacking also has negative aspects.Hacking is a blend of different form of arts combined including social engineering.Hacking is not just an art but also a lifestyle.Hackers?They run on curiosity.They like to explore things,if it was for me,I'd shut the world out behind my laptop because that's what we like,just to explore the world digitally driven by curiosity and never underestimate a hacker,they're not only hackers but in fact with arts such as social engineering combined they're just more than that.

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