8 - The Shift

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 Sans' expression shifted from solemn to amusement. A grin extended across his entire face. For the first time ever Sans felt truly alive. He looked around him. "Grillby's. Really, this is were I chose to spend my last moments moping." He turned to see Chara on the stool beside him.

She grinned and proffered her hand to him. "Hello new Sans, How are you today."

Sans accepted the handshake and began laughing. "Great. I was a fool before now. Holding back my power. Pft. It feels so much better to let it roam free.

Sans' eye exploded in blue fire and he began to laugh. He floated off the ground and raised his hand above him. A blast of energy flew from his palms and obliterated Grillby's bar. His laughing intensified as he continued to exercise his power. The ground became a sea of bones and gravity warped beneath his hand. Sans burst from the side of the collapsing building. Chara flew after him laughing the whole time.

She floated to his side. "What will you destroy next." She asked excitedly. She glanced from side to side before settling her eyes on a target. "Do the library next." Sans smiled evilly, raising a ball of energy above his head. He released and the library exploded in flash of blue energy. As the two continued building after building were washed away in the blue inferno.

Sans floated down to the ground and surveyed his handiwork. Chara landed beside him. "Not bad skeleton." She paused for effect. "But now we should move onto something a little more... Interesting." Sans caught her meaning and began scouring the area for pray. But nobody came.

He threw a blast of energy in frustration. "Where is everyone."

Chara came up behind him. "Don't you remember. You... The old you, let them escape into the surface." Sans started for the barrier. "Well I guess I've got a lot of searching to do. He disappeared in a flash reappearing at the barrier. He pressed up against it trying to find a weak point but returned empty handed.

He began chucking blasts of energy at it but they had no effect. Sans stepped back and began cursing. "That Idiot. Why did he have to set up a barrier to stop me." He stormed into the throne room and set the patch of flowers ablaze. He angrily threw energy against the walls raining bricks and mortar into the sky. Then he remembered what he did last time. Sans smiled. "If you can't solve it, just reset to when you can." Sans said to himself. He pressed a palm against his head and released the energy.

Sans reappeared in the void across from Chara. She smiled and walked over to him. She embraced him and laughed into his ear. "This is so much fun. I haven't felt like this since my first genocide." Sans pushed her aside and strode up to the continue button. He slammed his fist into it and waited for the load.


He reappeared in the bar staring at the table. Chara seemed surprised and said quietly. "That sly skeleton. He thought of everything didn't he."

Sans slammed his fist on the table then laughed. "Well if we can't load a far back enough save we'll just have to reset it all."

Chara shook her head. "No that won't work."

Sans turned to face her and spoke angrily. "What do you mean it won't work."

Chara saddened. "It won't work because you can load when you die but Frisk has more determination than I do, so we can only reset with their consent. And I doubt they'd give us that. I know they're bored of this world too but last time it took a lot of convincing to get even the smallest kill."

Sans tried to shortcut out of the mountain knowing it wouldn't work. The magical barrier rejected him and he flew backwards into the bar. Chara sighed. "Well I guess this is it." Sans shortcutted to the barrier and tried to break the it again.

Chara appeared and said. "It's hopeless. The old Sans built that using both his magic and the remnants of the previous barrier. Only a monster with a human soul could pass thr..." She Paused realizing. "Sans you're a monster. And you have a human soul right here." She pointed at herself and smiled. Sans grinned psychotically and reached for her. Chara reached within herself and extricated her soul handing it to Sans. Her ghostly body faded. Sans clenched the soul in his hand raising the other. He walked slowly through the barrier appearing in the moonlight on the other side.

Sans herd Chara's voice in his head. "Great now I'll just rematerialize and we'll end this world in fire." Sans looked down at the throbbing soul in his hand. He remembered what a soul could do to a monster. The sheer power it bestowed on even the weakest of his kind. He laughed. "Sorry kid. I don't think I can allow that. You see if I lose your determination I'm done for." Chara voices hesitated. "A-and that means what." Sans said nothing but leaned his head back and opened his mouth wide. Chara's soul screamed out as Sans absorbed her. He lowered his head then felt a sudden tremor spread across his entire body. He fell to his knees waiting for the power to fill him.

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