25 - The Absolute

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"So here we are. Fitting how it all ends here. So tell me kid, do you wanna have a bad time? Cause if you take one more step forwards you're really not gonna like what happens next."

Chara laughed. "Oh I think it's you who is gonna have a bad time. I however am going to have a very good time. You see, nothing before now matters, nothing after this matters either. It's just you and me, a final fight to the death. And I'm confident I'm going to win."

"What makes you so sure, I've still got some tricks left."

"Why? Because I'm good at killing. I've had a lot of practice and you've had none. And not just this time around."

"This time around? So there have been others. Then we've done this before."

"Well... Indirectly yes. This is the first run where I've actually gotten the pleasure of fighting you in the front seat."

"Heh, I knew it. You are a demon."

"Even after all this time, you obsess over that description of me..."

Shards sprung forth from the ground and jabbed upwards. Chara dodged but was to slow to evade the spikes. Hanging limply from them she raised her head weakly. "How rude, you know, I let you finish talking"

"I don't think so"


She reappeared as the world faded back into existence. Sans leaned causally against a pillar. "What's the matter, you look like you just died."

Chara was about to respond when another shower of bones cut her to ribbons.

The world faded back yet again. Chara stormed forwards. "You know, you could at least give me the courtesy of waiting for my response."

Sans shrugged and raised a hand up unleashing a barrage of attacks.

This continued for quite some time.

.  .  .

"So, back for more. How many times has it been." Sans began counting on hid fingers until he reached ten. "I've lost count. Welp, let's skip the pleasantries and get right to it." He raised a hand upwards and summoned his blasters.

Chara dodged left then right. She jumped over a wave of shards and ducked when Sans threw a cheap shot. She dodged hundreds of bones and blasts of energy, slashing and stabbing her way through the fight. An especially large blast obliterated a nearby pillar filling the room with dust and debris. As the smoke cleared Chara stood, knife raised over Sans.

"Looks like I win in the end."

Sans stared up at her "Looks like it. Fitting though"

"Oh? Why?"

"Fitting I die on my back."

"Because your always sleeping."


Chara hesitated. "Why haven't you shortcutted away yet?"

"Why? I know were this ends. No matter how hard I fight, how many times I kill you, I'm destined to loose. So, I'm done. Do your worst."

Chara laughed readying the knife. "Happy to oblige"

The knife didn't move. Chara stared at her hands like they'd betrayed her. Sans stared up with a tired expression.  "Come on. Just end it. There's no need to drag this out."

"You are not the Sans I know."

"Heh, so I'm not Sans enough for you"

"The real Sans wouldn't just give up like this and except the end of everything. You just sit there and stare death in the eye not a drop of hope in your face." Chara paused "You disgust me."

Sans laughed weakly "That's pretty ironic coming from you."

Chara tightened her grip on the blade and prepared to thrust downwards. "Goodbye pathetic Sans."

The knife didn't budge. Sans watched the blade skeptically. "Can't do it. Am I really that piteous." He laughed weakly again

"Shut up Sans."

"Or what, you'll stab me."

Chara stared down at Sans with pure hatred. She stood up and threw the knife across the room. It embedded in the wall with a dull thud. She stormed after the weapon yelling all the way. "Why can't this be like I imagined." She ripped the knife from the wall and threw it again in frustration. This time the blade broke in two upon impacting a pillar. "This isn't what's supposed to happen. I show up. We have an epic fight ware I have to fight every step of the way. Then I eventually win and destroy everything."

"How many times have you done this?"

Chara glared over at Sans "I don't know, a hundred."

Sans shook his head "Then maybe you're bored of this too."

Chara froze "Then what is there left to do."

Sans ignored her "Looks like after all this time you've managed to grow a conscience."

"If I'm done with fighting, how will I pass the time."

"A demon with a conscience, all be it small. You should be proud, that's quite the accomplishment."

Chara sank to her knees with a look of horror

"Come on kid, It's just a conscience."

"No, not that. There's nothing left to do in this world anymore."

"Then try something else."

"No, you don't understand, I've tried everything else."

Sans raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Well then that just really sucks for you now doesn't it. But isn't this realization new at least."

Chara didn't hear him.

Sans struggled to get to his feet. "Perhaps we could have been friends in another time."

Chara repeated the words in a whisper. "friends in another time." She subconsciously pressed down on the reset button and the world faded into black.

Chara stared at the full reset with a far off gaze


Waking from her trance she spun around to meet the unknown voice. "You?"


Frisk looked back at her with a warm smile.

"But you died for the last time."

Frisk chuckled "Since when has that stopped either of us in the past. I just wanted to give you your chance."

They embraced. Frisk continued. "You know, I'm proud of the decision you made."


"You're different now. You get why I spare ware I do."


"I think it's time we move on to a new chapter of these time loops"

The black void swirled as a clearing of flowers began to manifest around them. As the world finished appearing they looked at each other "Shall we?" "Yes, let's"


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