7 - The Barrier

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 Time passed and Sans sat against the barricade not moving. He stared up into the snow filled cavern wondering what would come next. He glanced at the trees around him and felt himself begin to succumb to the madness.

Papyrus approached Sans. "Sans?" He asked.

Sans shifted uncomfortably. "Hey Papyrus."

Papyrus walked in front of him. "Everyone's ready to leave. Lets leave the underground and see the surface."

Sans face darkened. "I'm not going Pap."

Papyrus began walking towards the barrier, then he stopped and whipped around. "What? Why aren't you coming."

Sans sighed. "It's complicated, but I'm going to stay down here. Go on Pap go have a good life on the surface. Forget about me."

Papyrus put his hand on his hips as his cape fluttered behind him. "I don't know whats going on with you brother. But if you won't come and live on the surface with everyone else. I the great Papyrus will not go either. We can live here together if that will make you feel better. And maybe later we can go into the new world when you're comfortable."

Sans walked over to Papyrus and hugged him. A second later he shortcutted the two of them to the barrier. "I'm sorry Papyrus. But, I can't come with you. I'm asking you to trust me on this one. It's too late for me."

Papyrus hesitated. "If you say so Sans, I will trust you. But fear not. The great Papyrus will return in the near future to grace you with his magnificent presence."

Sans began trudging back towards the Snowdin. "Sure Pap. See you soon." He shortcutted back to his position against the barricade.

He sat for several hours until he was sure everyone had gotten out then began walking to the barrier. He passed abandoned house after abandoned house, Hoping there were no staglers. Sans reached judgment hall. He began walking towards the exit. Chara appeared in front of him.

She smiled sadistically. "So here we are." Chara's grin widened. "It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing. Flowers are blooming. On days like this, guys like you, scramble to right their wrongs." Sans pushed past her and entered the throne room. Chara laughed. "Do you feel your sins crawling on your back." Sans ignored her comment and walked into the throne room. He didn't feel the presence of the barrier but he did feel small remnants of it scattered about the room.

When he entered the barrier chamber he saw Flowey staring out into the sunlight. Flowey turned and fear shot through his eyes. "What are you doing here."

Sans smiled. "You better get going."

Flowey stared at him. "Why. Are we in some kind of rush."

Sans stared at Flowey with a cold expression. "You do if you don't want to be trapped here forever." 

Flowey shifted uncomfortably. "What do you mean trapped here."

Sans slowly walked towards Flowey. "I mean when everyone's out, I'm rebuilding the barrier." He took another slow step towards Flowey who shuttered. Sans eye glowed blue as he raised a hand. 

Flowey stared in horror as he was levitated from the ground by an unseen force. "What are you doing." He shouted. A crazed smile crept over Sans' face. Flowey stared back at Sans' maniac smile and shuttered again. "What happened to you?" Sans shook his head and the grin disappeared. He put Flowey down gently outside the broken barrier. Flowey wasted no time and immediately disappeared into the ground.

Sans gave him a moment to fully leave the premises of the mountain before raising his hands. He began piecing the barrier back together. Piece after piece fell into place until the barrier was reconstructed. It wasn't nearly as strong as it was originally but still more than enough to keep him in. Chara sat and pouted in a corner. "You really are a cheater Sans." She sighed and fell on her back. "It's not very fun when you do something like this. But there's still a little hope left." She turned her head to reveal a crazed smile. "I'm really looking forward to meeting the new you."

Sans said nothing as he stood and began to walk away. Chara followed him as he shortcutted from the room. He appeared outside Grillby's and walked inside. He sat down at the bar and motioned for Chara to take a seat. She floated over and obliged.

Sans turned to face her with a sad tired look on his face. "So." He said. "This is where it ends." He turned and looked down at the table. "In all effectiveness, I'm about to die." Chara put a hand on Sans' shoulder. Sans chuckled. "Wow, Iv gone so crazy I can feel you."

Chara laughed. "Crazy isn't all bad. Think of it like as the end of one phase of your life and the beginning of a new one." Sans said nothing in response.

Chara sighed. "You're bumming me out here Sans."

Sans grimaced. "As a last request, can you shut up for a couple minutes." Chara sighed again but stayed silent. Sans stared at the wall for what seemed like an hour; Waiting for the change, for the LOVE to overwhelm him.

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