And the Hell begins - Chapter 2

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Author's Note: Here's the next part, enjoy! :)

Chapter Two

- And the hell begins

“He did WHAT?!” she said loud and shocked. I had just told her the whole story and she wasn't pretty happy about it. We had just woken up and were eating breakfast, or she was shoveling in her scone while I told her.

“Yes he punched him in the face so he got a nosebleed.” I repeated. “Then he wanted to take me home and I didn't want to but he wouldn't listen and I was like why do you even care and he said that he cared, I don't know what to believe!”

“Honey, he may seem nice and seem like he cares, he does that, that's how he works. But he's just gonna play with you and then throw you away when he gets what he want. He just fucks everyone with a pulse and then leave them without clues. So don't fall for his gentleman moves, that's just a part of his game.” she said staring deeply into my eyes, she was dead serious. “I promise, he's already forgotten you by now and you can move on without any problems. You know that I only want the best for you. So listen to me, avoid that guy. Even if he plays all innocent, he's not. Don't let him making you blind like the others.”

I slowly nodded. But still I couldn't get this thought out of my head. Why were he so protective about me if he didn't care? He could have just joined Derek and then leave me there with the job done. I sighed deeply.

“I still can't believe what happened yesterday..” I mumbled, covering my face in my hands.

“I know but try to get some sleep and don't think about it. You'll see that everything will be normal tomorrow.” she comforted me and smiled. I sighed and nodded. She was probably right, no need for any worries.

“Right, I have to work now. Just stay home and relax. I'll be home at six. If something's wrong, just call me.” she said quickly and got up. She walked away to the bathroom getting ready while I cleaned up the dishes.

Hours after watching TV I suddenly got a text. I was pretty sure the message was from Alexis asking how I was, but it was an unknown number.

??: Having fun alone?

My heart stopped. I stared at the text in horror. How did the person know I was alone? And how did he/she get my number? I stood up and ran to the window. My eyes widened. There stood an unknown black car in the driveway. I quickly started making a run to the door to lock it but my breath hitched when I saw the person standing there.

“You really should lock the doors, it's not safe for you.” Niall said and took some steps forward. I automatically took steps back to be as far away as I could from him.

“W-what are you d-doing here?” I stuttered. He smirked and got closer. I backed into the wall while his smirk became wider and his face was now inches away from mine.

“I'm taking you on a date.”

What. No. I shook my head.

“No I don't want to-”

“I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven, wear something.. nice.” I felt his lips lightly brush my cheek and give it a soft kiss. Then he just left, leaving me shocked and frozen in place. I couldn't move. I was breathing so fast I thought I was going to have an asthma-attack. I really didn't want to go. But I felt I had no other choice than go with him.


Today was the day of the date. I barely slept last night, I was so scared. I'm glad I'm working today, because my very good male friend Chris, works there with me. And he always succeed to make me smile when I was down or pissed. I reached the cafe and entered the back-door.

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