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"Harry!! stop it hurts!!!" he let go and hugged me. I pushed him away and ran to Zayn. I saw him with a bloody nose.

"I'm so sorry Zayn. this is all my fault."

"Sarah no its not."

"It's all my fault for starting all this. I didn't want to see you hurt."

"C'mon lets get you cleaned up."

I got Zayn up and grabbed his arm. Basically dragging I'm in the house.

I looked at harry with a disgusted look on my face. He ran to me.

"Sarah please let me explain."

"No harry you are such an asshole harry! stop thinking that I'm a playground and you can just play in it because my heart isn't! Like I knew something about you wasn't right. So leave me alone."


I closed the door on Harry's face and tears ran down my face.


Zayn and I don't really get along. I don't know why she won't let me explain. It was a drug that made me do that. I don't even know the girl that I kissed in that pic. And of course it was Zayn that send her the pic. the reason why Zayn and I hate each other is because he would steal every girl that I try to get. But Sarah is something else. And I won't let him take her away from me.

I climbed up to Sarah's window and tried to open it. But it was locked.

"Fuck!" I yelled. I jumped down and just laid on the grass. I can't believe Sarah would let Zayn in her house. He was seriously all over her at school. If he did that at school I could imagine what he is gonna do to her in her house. And I won't allow that. I knocked on the door as hard as I could.


after I finished cleaning Zayn up he spoke.

"Thanks for this."

"Anytime Zayn that's what friends are for." he looked at me when I said friends.

"Sarah... you know your really pretty."

"Aw thanks Zayn that means a lot."

After he said that I heard a very loud knock on the door. I ran down stairs and looked out the window to see who it was. it was harry.

"Get away from me harry!"

"Sarah please I'm begging. Just let me explain."

I couldn't take this no more so I just nodded.

I walked over and unlocked the door. right when he heard that click he stormed in.

"This is gonna take a while so let's sit on the couch," I said with an attitude. We both sat on the couch. harry sat on on and I sat on the other. He got up to move next to me. I pushed him and moved over.

"Are gonna explain or what harry?!"

"Ok ok"

"So I was so mad that I didn't even want to see you are people in school. So I went to a party because I needed a drink really bad. Then my friends handed me a drink and I didn't know it was drugged. So then I got out of control. You can even ask my friends about it and they will say yes. Im sorry. Do you believe me?"

I was thinking if I should forgive him. So I nodded which meant that I forgave him. He slid next to me and kissed me. it was a sweet little kiss but I still liked it.

After that kiss Zayn started to walk down the stairs... oh no.


Hey guys sorry the last chapter was supposed to be chapter14 but yea. plz comment or vote! love ya


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