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Harry's POV

I hugged her as tight as I could. I felt her little arms wrap my waist.

"Um.... harry... you're hurting me."

I smile grew on my face and I let go even though I didn't want to.


Sarah smiled.

"I have good news!"

I hope it's that she won't move.

"Lemme guess, you aren't moving."

"There's more."

I wonder what Sarah was talking about.

"What is it love."


I didn't even have time to react. I hugged her and the smile on my face wouldn't go away.

"Thank god you are.. But your parents just said it like that?"



I could tell that harry was so happy. I could see it in his eyes.

My mom walked in with boxes.

"Sarah can I talk to harry alone then your father wants to talk to him."

I nodded and walked away. I stayed my the door way so I could hear what my mom wants to tell him.

"Harry.. I'm very sorry for the way I reacted to you. All those times that I've been rude to you. Now I'm letting Sarah live with you. You guys are almost off to college soon and I want the best for her.... for both of you. I want you to take care of her. I'm trusting her and you."

"Yes ma'am. I love Sarah with all my heart. I will take care of her till the day I die."

I can't believe that harry loved me.

"Now Sarah's father wants to tell you something too."

I heard my moms steps coming closer. I ran in the closet in the hallway. I could tell that my dad walked him because of his heavy steps. In the closet knob there was a hole and I could see my mom telling my dad something.

He walked into the kitchen and my mom left.

I came out of the closet and closed it very quietly. I tiptoed to the hallway. Then my dad began to speak.

"Harry. I want you to love, protect, and care for my daughter. She means the world to me. She's my little princess. Now I'm leaving her in your hands. Please.....just take care of her. Here is my number and my wife's number for anything."

"Thank sir. And yes. I will take care of her for the rest of my life. You are leaving her in good hands sir."

I saw them hugged. I almost cried. This was so sweet. I then pretended to walk i like nothing happened.

My dad let go of harry and hugged me.

"I love you Sarah." He whispered.

"Love you too."

My mom walked in and we had a group hug. My dad let go and pulled harry in with us. We all laughed. Everyone let go and I finally said good bye to them. It was very emotional at that moment. Harry and I saw them drive away in the truck and we just waved till we couldn't see the truck no more.

"You love me?"

Harry looked at me and smiled. He held my waist and our foreheads touching.

"Of course."

I felt the weight of the world off my shoulders.

"I-I love you too."

He kissed me. Its was a sweet kiss then he let go.

I smiled. We walked back inside.

"I guess this is home sweet home."

"Yup, where do you want your room to be."

I looked at harry and smiled.

"With you."

He carried me like a princess and brought me upstairs .


Hai! sorry I could only update over the weekend! well thanks for the votes! I would love some more followers. I won't update until I get at least 15 followers. Thanks!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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