
11 3 1

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing. Ugh it's time for another day in the hell hole school.

I got and and almost fell for how tired I was. I noticed that my room was fix after what I did last night. I just shrugged and went to the bathroom.

I slipped my cloths off and went into the shower. I washed my hair and shaved my legs. I put my towel on and went to my closet. I decided to wear a tank top with a big sweatshirt that says 'beautiful'. I then put on jean shorts. I walked back to the bathroom and looked at my wet hair. I didn't know what to do. I decided to just leave it like this since my natural hair is wavy. I took my iPhone and beats. I took my bag and went down stairs. My dad wasn't there but my mom was.

"Good morning.."

I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"Where are 'we' moving."


I looked at her for a while in anger and went out the door.

"No hug!"

"Nope!" I yelled outside. I was so angry at her. I never knew I would be this angry. I felt bad but at the same time u didn't.

I but on my beats and plugged it in my iPhone. I wanted to walk so I could think. I turned on my iPhone and put the song 'hate that I love you' by Rihanna ft ne-yo.

While I was walking I noticed a guy looked at me. He looked my age. He walked toward me. He looked really familiar.... oh yea he's in my math class.

I lowered the volume because I knew he was going to talk to me.

"Hey...your Sarah right?"

"Um yea." I said with a smile.

"Oh and your in my math class."

I never realized how cute he was.

He had nice brown eyes and brown hair. His hair was a little slipped up.

"Well, I know you don't know me but my name is Liam."

He smiled. then I did. OMG I never realized how cute he was.

"I like your name."

"That's really sweet of you Liam. I like yours too."

The next song that came on was 'baby I ' by Ariana grande. That song really touches my heart. Like sometimes I can't really explain my feeling I harry.

"So I heard that your with the bad boy."

"Um.... I wouldn't say bad boy he's not that bad actually."

Liam looked at me with an eyebrow up.

"He's the biggest bad boy I've ever seen. I even scared of him."

"Oh.. why are you scared of him. Well I've seen him fight but everyone fights you know. But I'm not scared of him."

"Oh well."

"How do you know him Liam?"

"W-we used to be buds.". He said with a sad face.

"Then what happened?"

"Well, these boys asked him to try some drugs then he did. Then he became in the gang. Then he started to bully be. Then he just forgot about me."

I felt so bad.

"Aw, I'm so sorry to hear that."

He just hit me playfully meaning that its not that big of a deal.

I laughed then hit him back. I really like Liam, he is like the only friend I have right now. Amanda doesn't even want to talk to me. And all the girls in the school are sluts.

"U-um Sarah.."

I laughed when he stuttered.


"Are you doing anything tonight."

"Um no why?"

"Maybe if you wanted to go bowling tonight. I was gonna go alone but then since I met you I thought maybe you would like to."

"Oh sure yea I love bowling even though I suck."

He laughed and spoke.

"Ill teach you."

"Well I'll see you in math."

"Kk nice to meet you."

"You too." he said in a sweet tone.

I wish harry was like that. All sweet and stuff. But I still like harry.

A punch of girls was whispering as I walked down the hall way. I went to my locker. Harry was a few lockers away from me and I didn't see him. I was sick and tired when harry wouldn't come to school. A group of guys were walking towards me.

The guy with blonde hair spoke.

"Are you looking for harry babe?"

"Um yes.... where is he?"

"He's at the gym next to Starbucks."

"Fuck" I mumbled under my breath.


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter! please read my other book 'love will remember'



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