I Don't Know Where I'm Going, But I'm Going. Are You Coming With Me?

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A/N: Sorry for any mistakes, but this is free written.

I'm fifteen and I'm tall or average, you know, 5'6.

Um … so I'm your average teen. Nothing truly special about me, but boy, I was wrong. Apparently there is something quite … extraordinary about me. I have a God. Yeah, he's awesome. He's opened my eyes, multiple to this world around me. He has shown me the beauty He has created with His own hands. And then of course He has shown me the corruption that we have made ...

 I'm apart of that corruption, or at least I was. My God, my King, my Father … He's shared a little with me. A big one. And apparently all of His faithful servants a.k.a. Children know this secret as well, they know the truth behind it.

He sent His only son to die for us, that way we may live with Him an eternal life with which there is eternal happiness.

And lately I've been researching you can say. This research has been through His true words in His book, The Holy Bible and it has also been in books where I believe He has lead me to read. These books hold truth, they're not Bibles. They're testimonies, true topics and situations that modern day children of God face and then they take scriptures out of the Bible and relate to them. The testimonies of other people sharing what God has done for them is a beautiful thing.

And recently, today really and yesterday so both September 1 and September 2, 2013, I have been reading a book. It's new. The book speaks of death.

Strangely enough this same book has given me a new out look on life. Ironic, I know. But at least I'm being honest. Life something that most people don't take the time to cherish as they should. And when it's snatched from us … It's too late to get it back. In that moment, we're brought into another place, another dimension you can say.

And while reading book I realize that I want to live a not-so-perfect-but-I'll-try-my-best life for Him. Because, as you may have heard before, I am an imperfect person, loved by a perfect God.

And, by the way, I call God, Dad. I've always prayed for that close up relationship with God and always feared never receiving it. Yet, I was wrong once more. God has been so good to me, that I no longer see Him as just a god but a Father. He fits the requirements really.

He made me.

He loves me.

He extremely protective me.

He disciplines me. And honestly, sometime I need it.

He teaches me.

He comforts me.

 He doesn't want me to date too early. ;) (Dating can lead to fornication (sex before marriage). :P)

And I'm His.

I am a daughter (out of many :)) of the living God.

And I love Him, like a daughter loves her father.

I would say my name, but I don't feel like it. No need to know who I am. Just call me anonymous bro, or sis.

Call me God's Anonymous Lil' Girl.

Because that is exactly who I am.

Welcome to my life, and first entry. This is my journey of becoming a better person for Him. And like that famous quote, 'I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going. Are you coming with me?'

I don't know what God, my Father, has in store for me or my life, but I'm going down this path, lead by Him. His plans are better than my dreams. And for once in my life, I'm ready to live for the man who died for me.

So answer this question, are you ready or in this case willing to join me?

This can be our story, but you have to take the first step and be apart of it.

I Don't Know Where I'm Going, But I'm Going. Are You Coming With Me?Where stories live. Discover now