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On Tuesday 21st November 1994, a young boy named Omar leigh was born!

born to a woman named Mariem Bah and to a man highly ranked in the society named Muhammed leigh.

In a small country in the west of africa Gambia.

When he was 6 yrs old, he started to ask his mom about school! disturbing his mom with that same questiojn every single and the respond will always be "when the time is right, you will go to school".

2 months later, it was about time for school to open because the holidays were almost over!

Omar again asked his mom the same question but this time his mom said next week!

"thank you mom" omar said happily

"your welcome" his mom replied smiling.

when school reopened he, he was taken to the headmasters office and there he was writing the school entry exams.

he passed so well and was immediately taken to year 4. he was a very intelligent boy but quite unfortunately, he was a very stubborn boy, always fighting in school!

On day during break, he was playing cricket, while trying to hit the ball, he accidentally hit someone and turning back, he saw that it was there head girl that he hit! the girl fainted. Omar was in so much trouble.

he was taken to the principals office and was beaten mercilessly!

"am sorry" he screamed in pain

"who gives a damn whether your sorry" the teacher kept on hitting him not even caring whether the beating was enough! he didnt even care! after the beating, he was made to kneel down and lift up his hands carrying a brick.

His mom was called and she came there in less than 30 mins. she was actually surprised because she never thought that Omar was a stubborn boy cause she never saw that in him.

"Omar so you use to fight in school ok you will meet me at home"said his mom angryly.Omar was very scared about what his mon told him.Omar returned back to class, the students started to ask Omar"what did the headmaster say? what did ur mom say did she slap you what Omar tell us". Omar look at them angryly and shouted at them..

"what is your business with what my mom did?" he asked.after thay are all embarrased so they where all quiet.then Omar took his bag and walked out of class rudely. Omar when to beach and started thinking.what have i done wrong am not rude or stubborn.he said to himself. Omar was very scared about what his mother told him."ok let me just be brave n see what my mom will do to me"he said to himself. Omar when home he met his mom talking to a stranger that came from a country named senegal and he heard them talking about schoolfee."why are they talkin about schoolfee i have allredy paid my schoolfee for this month ok i will ask my mon"said Omar.the stranger went out from his mom's room and went.Omar entered his mom's room and he ask his mom "mom who was that man you where discussing with"Omar ask his mom."that is non of your bisness son and what is the meaning of you fighting in school"his mom asked.Omar was very scared and he didnt even knw what to say."

Omar told his mom that he wasnt fighting and and it was an accident that he hit the girl. but his mom didnt belive a word he said. his mom told him to go to bed till tomorrow then what will happen shall happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2013 ⏰

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