Chapter 5: The Others

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            I followed Conner into the hallway, glancing at the two guards to see if it was okay. They did not even look at me, so I just went with him. Going down the long, blinding white halls, I took mental notes while he spoke about this place.

            "Since you haven't been able to go anywhere but the lunchroom, granted you didn't even get to see much of that, I'll give you a tour of the whole place. And don't worry about any guards following us. They all trust me enough to help out the newer patients," he said with a smirk on his face. He always seemed to have a smug look to him. Everything he said he usually ended with a cheeky grin like he had an inside joke he was trying to get across to me. Somehow, I was supposed to know all of his gestures and body motions. 

           At that moment, words were hard to from and my heart beating through my chest, so I just nodded and continued walking. From where I was, I could only see the back of Conner. He was much taller than I was, his pants not swaying against the floor as mine did, and he had a very happy posture. I wasn't sure you could describe a posture being happy, but it was the only word that came to mind. Mostly everyone I saw here were always slumped over, head dangling to the ground, but not Conner. From how he talked and walked, he looked happy to be here; like this was his home.

            "This is the way to the Yard where, if you are progressing, you are allowed to go for an hour a day. I know it isn't much, but it is better than being stuck in that cell," He spoke as we walked through a huge metal door. It clicked shut behind us as I saw the guards look at Conner with concern, then look at me before relaxing and going back to their normal duties.

            The area outside — called the Yard — looked very dull and grey. Even though the sun was in the sky, burning my pale skin, it was not bright out here. The ground was scattered with dead grass, no signs of life in any of the plants. A tall, thick metal gate surrounded the area, making it feel more like a prison and less like a we-are-trying-to-help-you facility. The bars looked very old and rusted as if no one has tended to them in years. I guessed it would be better for some people, to be out here with nature, but I didn't mind my cell all the time. Being alone was one of my favorite hobbies and it kept me safe from harm.

            Conner looked back at me, waiting for me to say something, but I didn't. He shrugged and continued on the path.

          I didn't plan on not talking, millions of questions invaved my mind, but I couldn't find my voice to tell them. Even though Conner had such a nice presence around him, I wasn't here to be friends with him. In reality, I was here to use him for the information. Trailing off in thought, my eyes gandered to the rusty bars again. Wondering what it would take to knock one down, I jotted it down in my mental notes. This could be a possible way out of here, not very safe, but those bars were definitely old enough to remember them.

            "You know you are allowed to talk, right? I'm not going to hurt you for talking." Conner spoke softly, turning his head over to me. Again, I knew I could talk; I just didn't have anything to say. He was just some stranger and I didn't know what to say to him, so I nodded my head again kept my gaze down. Conner chuckle while shaking his head and, opened another metal door that led us out of the dead garden.

            "It's okay, darlin'. I'll get you to talk to me eventually," He said as he held the door open for me, making eye contact with me for a slight second before I looked away. My cheeks burned as I heard the metal door click shut behind us, that warmth rushing through me again. Why was this guy so forward with me? Why was he just being so nice? He didn't know me personally, so why did he act like he cared?

            Whatever room we were in was very different from anything that I have ever seen. It drew my attention away for a moment as we entered. The walls were painted a bright yellow and went down into a huge opening area. The hall had no other doors except for the one that went through, but I could see doors at the end of the hall in the opening area. At the end of it, the area was a huge circle, almost like a classroom for little kids. This room was full of color, had pictures up on the walls, and a huge mat in the middle of the floor. Five doors were placed along the walls, each one a different color. They looked like the door to my room and the others around me, but no lock on them and they were each painted with vibrant colors.

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