Toby woke up to Donn's door open and she is not in her room he ran down stairs to see her eating some waffles he sat next to her and she finished eating and sat down. Then sally walked up to her" will u play with me miss" sally said "Ummm sure why not" donn said and then sally walked to toby "Toby can u play with me" "Sure" he said and the walked to Sally's room "Let's play dress up" sally said as she shut her door "OK but I get to make my dress" donn said "You can do that" Sally said "Ya, I did that a lot in my kingdom" "You're from a kingdom" Sally said "Ya" "Did u see a real princess" "Well ummm no" "That's cuz...." Toby was cut off by Donn's glare "Why not miss" sally said "That's cuz I was the princess" "Really" sally said "Yep it was fun, for a while" donn looks sad "Its ok, let's play" Sally ran to he closet and pulled out a kings crown for toby, and she had a pink dress for her. She pulled on the dress over her cloths and put on a princess crown thing"now its ur turn miss" "Ok" donn said then a shadow surrounded her then she looked like
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But with black wings "Wow miss u look Nice" Sally said "U dont have to call me miss call me donn" "Ok" Sally said "let's play" "Ok" toby said "Hear me hear me, there will be a ball" Sally said with a smile "OK sounds fun" donn said giggling "OK, prince Toby dance with princess don" Sally said "But I dont know how to slow dance" Toby said "Dont worry I'll lead" donn said "Ok" toby said "Put one hand on my waist and hold my other one" donn said "OK" Toby said and did what she said "Now fallow my lead,123…123" donn said and her and Toby was dancing and Sally was giggling "Good Toby" donn said and smiled and toby did to "Thanks" Toby said "Now take the hand that ur holding and twirl me" donn said and toby did that and then caught her with his hand on her waist agein"your getting Good so find out the next step on your own" she said "OK" he said then he did that this were the guy nearly drops the girl but is still holding her"looks like u have it down pat Toby" donn said "I guess" toby said "Alright now its time for tea" Sally called out "OK first let me get some real tea from the fridge ok" donn said and walked out and walked back with tea"ready" Sally said Timeskipbysplendor
Sally fell asleep and donn and Toby put her on the bed"she looks so cute" donn said "I know" Toby said then they walked out of the room and sat on the couch nobody was home except them and sleeping Sally"today was fun" donn said and looked at Toby "Ya it was fun" Toby said and smiled Then donn smiled and Toby leans to her and then she got a suprized look on her face when she felt his lips press into hers. But not to long till she kissed back he licked her bottom lip for entrance and she gave it to him and he explored every inch of her mouth then she moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist and she moaned agein and he smirked. And ran a hand up her shirt. She pulled away and he pulled his hand away"what's wrong" Toby said "I can't do that Toby" she said turning away "Why not" "Cuz my kingdom is enemy's with the creepypastas" "Does that matter" he said and turned her face to look at him "Yes cuz if they knew I'm kissing one of the enemy's I'll be hated and they'd kill all of u" "That won't happen" "Promis" "Promis" Then the other pastas came and they looked away then slendy said"timeforbed" and they all went to bed.