Intheunderworld Zalgo was preparing for something his demons were ready and so was clockwork Slendermansion Donn and the others were eating breakfast then trenderman came running in"Zalgo is in the woods" then everyone ran to get their weapons and slender rose
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@MangleSarah s Oc Came in"what's going on uncle trender" "Zalgo is attacking" trender said then slender Rose's tentacles came out Then they all ran to were Zalgo,clockwork, and the demons. And donn clenched her hatchets and Toby looked at her"its gonna be ok" he said "Ok" she said and calmed down a little "Well well well looks like the princess came out of Hideing" Zalgo said looking at donn "From what clockwork told me your still a week brat, just like your father" Donn's rage built up with every word then her eyes turns black with red proxy symbols "SHUT UP YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT MY FATHER, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO PUT ME DOWN!!" Donn yelled "Well looks like you have grown more anger to me" Zalgo snikerd "SHUT UP!!" she charged at him but clockwork attacked her and everyone fighting the demons the slenders are fighting Zalgo. Zalgo tried to attack slender rose but slendy grabed Zalgo's fist"Dont touch my daughter" slendy got a mad face
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And he faught Zalgo A proxy symbol appeared at Zalgo"Zalgo I banish you back to hell and take your minions with you!" Slender rose yeld and Zalgo was gone and so was clockwork but donn just stood there"Donn?" Toby said and she turned around"I could kill her" they saw it…