They saw it, a knife in Donn's stomich before she could fall toby ran to her and pulled it out"donn" he said and she looked at him with her chocolate-brown eyes"I'll reincarnate, but without this ring she will never be me*cough blood* the ring will give her my memory's and powers and I'll be there*cough blood*" And he cried"its ok toby I'll always be there for you" she handed him the ring
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and her body turns to shadows and disappeared leaving her hatchets and a crying Toby. Then magic and Jeff grabed some rocks and so did the others and they placed then in the shape of a big proxy symbol after it was done Toby stood up and slammed Donn's hatchets blade first into the ground at the top of the big proxy symbol. And he cried when he got to his room he saw Donn's phone he grabed it he knew the password. He saw she was on her galley he looked threw it and saw the videos she made. Video 1 "Today ima video my friends" Donn's voice played and the screen went dark and then the video was at him"Hey toby you wanna say something to the camera" "No" "Please" "Fine" "Ok" Then he saw himself look at the camera and
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"Fuck you camera" "Toby" "What you said say something and I did" "I didn't meen that" "Whatever" The video ended and another one came on Video 2 the camera appeared and it shown sally "Hey sally you wanna say something to the camera" Sally said nothing "Come on pretty girl" Then Sally
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"Hey I'm Sally" "At a girl" The video changed Video 3 The camera changed to LJ
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"So I say anything" he said "Yep anything" donn said then ej came up
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"What are you doing" ej said "Hey ej Donn said to just say anything to the camera" "Well I'll say I'm gonna sleep" ej walked to Hus room "I'll say POP GOES THE WEASEL" LJ said and threw candy at the camera. And it blacked out Video 4 "Donn turn off the camera" Jeff said "Why" "Do it or I'll make you go to sleep"
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Then Jeff got shoved by jane
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"I'm Jane and that nit wit was Jeff" "Jane!" Jeff yeld "Ya" "GO TO SLEEP" jeff attacks jane and the camera changed Video 5
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"Morning babe" toby's voice said "Toby why do you have my phone" "Cuz I can" "Oh haha" "Dont be like that" "I'm tired so I'm like that" Then the camera changed Video 6 Toby was on a building "toby a little help" "Give me your hand"
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"Ok" Donn grabed his hand and the camera blacked out Toby's eyes where teared up at the memory of donn alive he had the nightmare of donn dieing all night