Movies maybe?

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Rai's POV

"Wake up wake up wake up!" I heard and all to familiar voice yell.

"No no no!" I yelled back.

I sat up just the slightest bit and saw that my bed was no empty except for jamie.

"What time is it" I ask Damien

"I don't kno" he said.

My phone broke in

'I could write a song with my new piano'

'I could sing about how love is a loosing battles'

'It's not hard, not hard, it's not hard it's not hard, it's not hard, not hard'

'And I could sing about Cupid-"hello" I say answering my phone.

"Hey hey hey are you awake cuz if you are get your lazy arse over here now " I here Jamie say.

"Jamie were r u I thought you were here" I ask confused.

"No dummy i left with the boys this morning now come over and well explain at I'm over here." she says

"Fine fine I'm comming." I say and hang up.

"Why were there like 4 guys in your room this morning?" Damien asks me.

"Cuz we all crashed here I got to go so get out I need a shower." I say pointing towards the door.

He groans getting up "fine by" he says and closes the door.

I get up and go take my shower

And I'm pretty sure yah no what happens when people take showers



If no you need help.

Anyway I got done with my shower and went to my closet.

I grab my red jumpsuit apparatus band tee shirt. and my faxed denim rewash short, I put on white socks and my white vans.

"k Damien im leaving bye" I say walking out the door.

I don't fell like skateing today I think to myself

or riding the bus

its not that far ill just walk I I finally decide with myself.

I have a feeling its not going to be a good day!'





"boom boom booom bum boom" I started making a beat on the door.

"eyllo" ashton says opeing the door.

"hey whats uup" i ask.

"nothing we was just watching a movie." he says opeing the door for me to come in.

"oh well whatr you guys watching?" i ask.

"um i think its called my sisters keeper or somethin like that" he says as we start walking to the living room.

"hey ash can we go upstairs or something im not really in the mood for s movie" i say hoping he wont question as to why.

"um sure i guess lemme go get luke to" he says "ill meet you up there."

1 stair

skip a stair

3 stair

skip a stair.

i dont know why dont ask but i do that when i go up stairs i do it so i dont trip.

"hey" i here luke say behind me.

"woah howd you guys get here so fast?" i ask.

"I walked" Luke says pointing out the obvious.

"Wanna watch ridiculousness?" Ashton asks my face lighting up!

"Uh is that a valid question" I ask sitting in a game chair.




"i swear i could marry rob dyrdeks presonality" i say after the shows over.

"is that even possible" ashton speaks up.

"yah duh" i say

"lets make a keek" ashton says.

"your always making keekssssss" luke whins

"okay well whats ur keek about" i ask.

"idk how about making a cup of tea." he asks

"surrrreeee whateve tickles your peach" i say walking into the kitchen.



"recodring!' luke says.

ashton bends down near his cup of tea and says

"the perfect brewing time is 7 minutes" he says and a funny voice an

i cant help but stiffle out a laugh.

"hey wanna go to the movies?" i ask.

"yah sure how bout me, you, niall,luke and calum?" ashton asks.

"okay sounds good i co get calum and niall." i say walking into the living room.

"niall, calum come hereeeee" i say.

'SHHHH' they all shoosh me.

"calum niall" i whisper yell this time "come here"

"fine" the both say nsync

haha get it

nsync like the music group okay thats not funny.

"wanna go to the cinema?" i ask them.

"legoo" nialls says. Walking towards the door.

This chapter sucks cuz I had to write it on my sisters dsi because I got grounded and instead of getting my iPod taken away she took my damn charger gah.


yes I'm still looking for a co-writer so if yah interested write me a one shot that's based off of SNA and post it on your profile then message or let me no inn my message board and ill read it and the best one will get to co-write!

Comment fan vote ill fan back just ask!

Ps: Also I love you guys.

QOTD- who's your favorite YouTuber mines the janoskians.

Pps: did you guys see the twitcam OMG I loved it I have like 62639473 screen shots of calums but lmao.


•plan: secret girlfriend•
by @mimoJanoli

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