Chapter One

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Vanna Jane always knew she was a witch. Her little sister, Amelia, was a witch, her parents were witches, their parents were witches, and so on and so forth.

However, no one else knew she was a witch. Except her family of course.

Salem Crowe did not know he was a witch until he was already well into his life. His parents had been witch hunters, and their parents had been witch hunters and so on and so forth. However, they did not realize just how awkward the name would become.

Once they had realized exactly what their son was, they gave him away.

Vanna had been raised to find witches and bring them to her parents so they could be protected from the humans who hunted them. Salem had been raised to hunt them.

Once Salem had been discovered his parents put him on trial. Vanna's parents had convinced the court to let Salem go free with the right supervision. That supervision was Vanna's family. Salem would become the older brother she had never had.

For years Vanna, Salem, and Amelia grew as though they had always had each other. But one day Vanna and Salem had come home to find Vanna's parents dead. Amelia was nowhere to be found. The cops said it was witches. That seemed to be the correct assumption. The authorities gave up the hunt for Vanna's younger sister after two weeks of searching. She was presumed dead.

Salem and Vanna however knew their sister. If there was no body, she was not dead. Period. End of story. They took it into their own hands to find her.

And that is how Vanna Jane and Salem Crowe ended up sitting across from each other in the top floor of an abandoned apartment building while Salem smoked his last cigarette and Vanna scolded him once again on how the smell made her sick.

"You're destroying your lungs," Vanna said to her foster brother.

Salem inhaled deeply then blew out. He said, "Shit, Van." He paused for a moment before stating, "I don't care." Salem had always been like this. Hateful, dangerous, and to the point. It wasn't as bad as it used to be when he had first moved in with Vanna and her family.

Vanna glared at him and he glared back. "What if someone sees the smoke?" she asked. To keep it short Vanna was worried and on edge. She did not like her surroundings.

"No one around here is looking for us," Salem said, taking another drag from the cigarette. "Besides, the worst thing we're doing is trespassing."

"We're in the bad part of town Salem," Vanna snapped. "You know, gangs, murderers, dangerous drug addicts? Ringing any bells?"

Vanna wouldn't normally be this rude to him. It was his job to be rude. But she was anxious and uncomfortable and could really use some hot tea and a nice bed.

Salem gave her an icy stare which was a normal thing for him. His breath came out in smoke that wasn't from the cigarette.

Vanna assumed it was cold. It was winter after all. Vanna had the privilege of always being at a comfortable temperature no matter how hot or cold her surroundings were. Witch perks.

Vanna saw Salem's hands shaking slightly. Possibly from the cold, possibly anxiety. Though it was most likely the temperature since he was smoking.

"I hope you know that's the last one you're going to smoke ever," Vanna stated and reached out her hand. Salem touched his fingertips to hers. He stopped shaking slightly. Vanna could transfer her magic to others sometimes if she was feeling up to it. She felt sorry for Salem since the boy was honestly always cold. That probably came along with his Legacy.

"Until I find more," he said. Vanna shook her head. Salem would probably find some sketchy looking guy on the street to trade food for a cigarette or two.

She really wished he wouldn't smoke. He always had. Well, for as long as she'd known him. Which was six years. He'd been smoking since he was twelve. He said it warms his soul or something like that. And helps with his anxiety. Vanna would never want to make him feel uncomfortable but she also wanted him to be able to live a long life. Key word long.

"So," Salem started. "Leads on Amelia?"

When Vanna's parents had been murdered mysteriously by an unknown witch (or witches possibly) her sister had disappeared without a trace. No one had any idea where the girl could've gone safely. No one being the authorities. Vanna and Salem decided together to try and find her.

"Her coworker said to try the Lowlands," Vanna said still pressing her fingers to Salem's. "But I can't imagine why she'd be here."

In the city Regal where Vanna, Salem, and Amelia had grown up there were the Lowlands and the Highlands. Lowlands were for people who you wouldn't want to be caught alone with. Also known as the witches. The Highlands were for decent people with a good sum of money. Also known as the humans. And occasionally in Vanna's case, witches disguised as humans.

"Maybe she had secret friends or something? Maybe she's hiding away with them," Salem suggested.

"How would we find them if she had them?" Vanna asked shaking her head. Salem sat quietly.

"I can ask-"

"You don't have to," Vanna interrupted him.

Salem shrugged. "I'll do whatever," he told her. "She's my sister too, Van."

"I know you don't like using your Legacy," Vanna said. Salem had an unusual Legacy, but then again what Legacies weren't unusual.

Salem could speak to the dead. According to what he had told Vanna he sees them too, walking around like they were still alive. That's why Salem didn't think Amelia was dead.

Vanna closed her eyes for a second and said, "Just for a moment, Salem."

Salem closed his brown eyes and tilted his head down. He jumped like something had startled him and turned to his right.

"It's rude to sneak up on people," he told the air. At least that's what it looked like. Vanna knew he was talking to someone who had already passed on. "Do you know anyone who would know the whereabouts of Amelia Jane?" Salem asked.

The dead knew many things. You could ask them almost any question and there was a good chance they knew the answer.

Salem closed his eyes for a moment and glared at the space. "What do you mean she is nowhere?" He was trying to stay calm, Vanna could see. If he were to get angry with the spirit they might leave or try to harm him. It's happened before.

"Okay," Salem said in an ending tone. "He says she is not dead, but she's not quite living either."

"That makes no sense," Vanna said confused.

"Maybe it does," Salem said with a shrug. Vanna raised an eyebrow.

"What if she's in some sort of coma somewhere?" said Salem dropping Vanna's hand to stand up. Vanna took a moment to process this.

"Should we check a hospital?"

"It's a possibility."



Salem put out the end of his cigarette and helped Vanna stand. They had piled their stuff in a corner the night before. They pulled out the thin blankets they had been using though Vanna never covered up with hers. Tomorrow maybe she would get the chance to find Amelia.

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