Chapter11; First Date

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Harry POV 

I grabbed Louis hand and took him to my car. I opened the door for him being the gentleman i am, he sat in the passenger seat and i walked round to the driver seat. I got in the car and started driving, the whole journey was quiet, i kept looking over to Louis who was just staring out the window. 

"Are we here yet?" He asked me. 

"Nearly" I said my eyes on the road, a smile grew on my face. 


We finally got to the place which was a restaurant called 17 black. I really liked the restaurant so i decided it would be a good place to take Louis because the food here is AMAZING!. 

"17 Black?" He asked me as i parked the car. 


He didn't say anything afterwards. I got out the car and went round to open the door for Louis. 

"Thanks Hazza" 


"Sorry do you not want me to call you that"

"No, i like it" I said smilling at him

"Good" He gave me a small smile and we walked into the restaurant. 

"Table for 2 please" I asked the Lady who was holding a notebook. 

"Okay if you would like to follow me" I smiled and followed her to our table. 

"Can i get you any drinks?" She asked pulling a pen out. 

"Sure coke please" Louis said smilling at the Lady. 

"I'll have the same thanks" She gave us a small smile and walked away. 

"So" Louis said tapping the desk. 

"So... How are you?"

"Really Harry?" 

"Do you have something better to say?"i said smilling at him. 

"Yeah actually" 

"What then" 

"When we were walking to our table i notice that Eleanor is here with one of her friends" 



Really, she has to be here. I really hope she doesn't come over. 

"Did she notice us?" 

"Don't think so"

"Louis" Eleanor shouted. 


He waved back at her and she came over. 

Could this get worse?

"Hey Harry" Eleanor said. 

"Hi" I said looking down at the floor. 

"So what are use two doing here?" She asked us. 

"Just out for dinner" Louis said. 

"Great, well me and Tina are just waiting for some boys to come, we are meeting Niall and Liam"

"Niall and Liam?" I asked her, hoping that i really didn't hear her say that. 

"Yeah, they are really cute, do you know them?" She asked me. 

"Yeah they are my best friends". 

"Great well maybe we could join use" Tina said. 

"Sorry, we just want to be alone the now" Louis said, i smiled at him and he smiled back and then returned to look at Eleanor. 

"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow then" Eleanor said giving us a small smile. 

"Yeah" Louis said waving back at her. 

"Bye guys" Tina said and they walked back to their table. 

"Liam and Niall are meeting them?" I ask looking at Louis with a shock face. 

"And your problem is?"

"Nothing, i am just surpirse"

"Yeah well they better not see us. That will be embarassing". 

"That would be, yes" i gave him a quick smile and the waitress brought our drinks over. 

That night we just talked and laughed and talked some more and then i laughed more becasuse Louis spat his drink out cause i made a joke . Everybody was staring at him which was embarassing but it was hilarious at the same time. 

After we were finished our dinner we payed and then left. I took Louis home because he looked really tired and while i was driving he did fall asleep. 

Being the best boyfriend i am i actually carried him to his house and then upstairs. His parents said it was all right, i dropped him down on the bed but he was still holding on to my arms. I tried to get him off me but it wouldn't work. 

"You know you can spend the night here if you want" His mum said walking in the room. 

"No its fine" 

"Its no problem really" She said smilling at me. 

"You sure?". 

"Yeah, no problem at all". 


"He seems to really like you" She said smilling at me. 

I sat on the bed giving up it looks like Louis was not going to let me go so i guess i have no choice i have to spend the night. 

"What do you mean"


"Oh okay" 

"Night Harry" She said clossing the door. 

"Night Mrs Tomlinson". 

I sighed and laid down beside Louis. 

I wonder what she did mean by that. 

I told my self not to think about it, i text my mum saying i was staying at my friends house, she didnt mind at all. 

"I love you" I wshiper to him. 

"Hmm I love you to" 

i looked down at him. 

I thought he was asleep. 

Thanks for reading, last chapter of the night, upload more tomorrow:) thanks for reading:D 

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